On February 11, the eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona by Brooks will be held again, one of the most complete events on the international scene in its category, an entirely urban circuit, approximately 21 kilometers, and in which the Quirónsalud Group, once again , is once again your Healthcare Partner.

Dr. Manuel Matas, head of the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Service at the Quirónsalud Barcelona Hospital, shares a series of sports tips for patients with varicose veins, who are recommended to run regularly because it helps prevent these pathological dilation of the veins. According to Dr. Matas, varicose veins appear in the lower extremities due to venous hypertension caused by insufficiency of the venous valves. “We surgeons recommend running if you suffer from varicose veins, in addition to the fact that this sport practice favors venous return as much or more than walking, also because it reduces the person’s possible tendency to suffer from them,” he defends.

Running, suitable against varicose veins

In fact, it emphasizes that running has advantages over walking or walking for these patients since the benefits are achieved in a shorter time. Remember, in turn, that varicose veins are usually caused by an inherited genetic predisposition, while at the same time indicating that they are favored by excess weight or a sedentary lifestyle.

In this sense, the Quirónsalud Barcelona specialist emphasizes that maintaining an adequate weight in these patients is also equally important when it comes to stopping its increase or proliferation. “Exercise in these contexts is also usually essential,” considers Dr. Matas, who asks in this context to reject the idea that running represents an element that favors the appearance of varicose veins and insists that this practice is beneficial, just as walk. It is true that varicose veins tend to cause heaviness, tired legs, or even pain in many runners, as well as night cramps, especially if the practice is not common.

Varicose veins in high competition

Now, one of the main complaints of many highly competitive athletes is the appearance of ‘pseudovaricose veins’ during the race, a thickening of them that is specific and is located in the legs, at the level of the calf: This is the result of excessive and prolonged training over time. These ‘pseudovarices’ “are a consequence of an increase in the muscle mass of the lower limbs, since they must transport more oxygen and blood to feed the muscle mass; but always in extreme cases of exercise or excessive training. They do not represent a pathology. They are a symptom that circulation has improved to be able to better irrigate that area of ??the body,” the doctor clarifies.

In any case, it reiterates the idea that exercise, in this specific case running, would be recommended for people with varicose veins, as reiterated by this expert from Quirónsalud, while highlighting that this sporting practice can be beneficial under normal conditions. its prevention, in addition to improving treatments. In any case, “always, if you have any questions, you should always consult an expert in angiology and vascular surgery.”

Good footwear, essential

Thus, when participating in a race like the eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona by Brooks, it is also advisable to wear appropriate footwear with good cushioning, as well as elastic socks, for faster muscle recovery and to keep warm in the leg area. It is something “also very important in runners,” says the doctor.

In some cases, the use of mild or moderate compression sports stockings, pressotherapy, or drainage massage therapy could be indicated, as this angiologist from Quirónsalud Barcelona continues. Likewise, good hydration before and after the race is essential, and also complement running with other exercises such as swimming, cycling, or spinning.

When it comes to preventing the appearance of varicose veins, Dr. Matas insists on the need to avoid overweight and a sedentary lifestyle, be well prepared for the race, follow a balanced diet and use the compression measures mentioned above.