Last June, the Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) approved a 24-page document on the action protocol against sexual violence. In it, concepts such as “kissing by force” are included as reprehensible behaviors, within a series of behaviors that must be avoided and that must receive the corresponding punishment. “These behaviors are unacceptable and will entail immediate consequences,” the text states. The first person in charge of imparting justice when the case arises is the Protection Advisory Committee, which “within the framework of its powers, and in accordance with the principle of proportionality, will adopt the measures it deems appropriate.”

Who is part of the Protection Advisory Committee? Well, four people. Andreu Camps, general secretary of the RFEF; Yolanda Parga, head of women’s arbitration; David Gutiérrez, president of the national committee of trainers; and María Dolores Martínez, protection delegate. Among the stipulated punishments is expulsion from the entity. In the event that the powers of the Advisory Committee are exceeded, the case would pass into the hands of the Higher Sports Council (CSD), which depends on the government. In this sense, the new Sport Law modifies the 2007 law in its first final provision and considers “sexist acts in sport” any action that involves “harassment, understood as any unwanted conduct” related to sex or sexual orientation. of a person. In addition, it considers harassment any act that “has the objective or consequence of violating her dignity and creating an intimidating, humiliating or offensive environment.”

The law establishes that it is up to the CSD to ensure compliance. For this reason, the director of the Cenafe training center for coaches, Miguel Galán, filed a complaint against Luis Rubiales before the CSD yesterday.