Amid growing media attention surrounding the Daniel Sancho case, the Thai prison on Koh Samui has announced measures to deter foreign media presence at its entrance, including prohibiting the taking of images without prior authorization.

This comes after Carmen Balfagón, the Sancho family lawyer, initially requested media pressure as a guarantee for Daniel’s well-being and a fair trial. However, the situation has taken a turn, and Rodolfo Sancho, the defendant’s father, has urged the press to withdraw from the prison gates, alleging that the current care is not beneficial for his son.

Carmen Balfagón has expressed her concern about the negative impact that high media pressure is having on the Thai authorities, stating that “we are going to create an incident where there was none and this is not going to benefit Daniel at all.”

Faced with this situation, Rodolfo Sancho has taken the initiative to request that the media leave the prison gates and has promised that he himself will be willing to attend the media and be photographed when he arrives in Thailand to visit his son.

The Sancho family is planning the transfer of Rodolfo to Koh Samui, which will allow Silvia Bronchalo, Daniel’s mother, to return to Spain, since only one family member is allowed to visit per day. A house has been rented for the family, where they hope to find privacy and tranquility for the next few weeks.

According to close sources, Silvia Bronchalo has been staying at a hotel in the area, but has barely left her room due to fear of meeting the press. It is worth noting that the Spanish press has shown respect for its space, but not all the international media have followed the same line.

The Sancho family seeks a balance between maintaining public awareness of Daniel’s situation and ensuring his privacy and well-being during the legal process in Thailand.