Rodolfo Sanchó has headed to Thailand to visit his son Daniel Sancho in the Asian country where he is being held for the murder of Colombian Edwin Arrieta. The actor has been seen with sunglasses and a serious face at the Barajas airport in Madrid, where he has taken the plane accompanied by his team of lawyers.

The actor has also broken his silence regarding his son before the media that were in the terminal, although he has been concise and did not speak before seeing how the situation is in Thailand.

“I can not speak. I’ll talk later, thank you”, Rodolfo Sancho told the media at the airport, thus making it clear that it was not the time to offer statements and that he will do so at the time he deems appropriate, especially trying not to influence in the evolution of the case.

The lawyer Marcos García Montes accompanied the interpreter at the airport, unlike the mother of his son, Silvia Bronchalo, who traveled alone to Thailand. With this legal team, Sancho would seek to help his son in the case as much as he can, after having been “locked up” in Fuerteventura, where he had been a refugee with his wife, also an actress Xenia Tostado, and their daughter What do they have in common.

In Thailand, Rodolfo Sancho will meet with his son Daniel to the extent that he can visit him, and with his ex Silvia Bronchalo, who has been in the Asian country since August 17, giving legal and emotional support to her firstborn. It is not known if the two will meet, or if there will be a round trip between them, and she returns to Spain, or they will remain together.