On March 20, Ana García Obregón welcomed Ana Sandra Lequio, her granddaughter and biological daughter of Aless Lequio, who died in 2020 from cancer. A maternity, achieved thanks to surrogacy in the United States, which has become the topic of debate par excellence in all corners of our country.

Celebrities, experts, politicians, ordinary citizens; everyone has an opinion about the fact that the actress has become a legal mother for the second time of her own granddaughter. Missing was one of her most anticipated, that of Risto Mejide, who has already questioned the actress on occasion for her way of mourning the death of her son. He finally did it, through his Instagram account, and has not left anyone indifferent.

“There are times when I deeply hate that time ends up agreeing with me,” Risto begins by saying, “This is one of them. Indeed, Ana Obregón. Not everything goes,” he begins.

“Let no one be fooled. If the morbid market continues to profit from the misfortune of others, if it pays these huge amounts of money it is because it can, because it pays off, and that is why it continues, always preying on the weakest – mentally and psychologically – by exclusive blow”.

“That said, for those who are interested in my opinion, I continue to defend even in this case that everyone do with their lives what they want or what they can within the law,” he says, adding that he wishes him the best “from the bottom of my heart.” to little Ana Sandra. “I hope these checks don’t take a toll on you,” he hopes sincerely.

As is logical, his reflection did not go unnoticed among his followers, although they could not comment on anything from his profile, since he closed the comments section.

A few words that the publicist accompanies several images in which you can see the headlines of different news portals, in which there is speculation about the price of the exclusive millionaire in Hello! or with whether or not the actress would have charged for said cover and interview.

The publicist’s incendiary words come four months after his controversial statements after the New Year’s Eve Chimes, which he presented in Mediaset together with Mariló Montero; while Ana Obregón did the same on TVE.

At one point, the journalist told Risto that she expected “new beginnings” in 2023, something that the Catalan took advantage of to launch a dart that many understood was aimed at Obregón and Cristina Pedroche, who presented the chimes on Antena 3 together with Chicote and she showed off her maternity curves for the first time after her pregnancy was leaked to the press: “Is there something to announce? A pregnancy? The death of a loved one? That always gives an audience.”

Some statements that took their toll, with Ana Obregón responding to the words and defending Cristina Pedroche; and with Mejide asking for some peculiar apologies.

“First of all, sorry. It doesn’t cost me anything. An unmitigated forgiveness, without nuances. Sorry because, when you have to ask for forgiveness, it’s because you have offended the wrong person. In what head is it possible for me to laugh because someone has lost his son? Does anyone really believe that I, as a father, can accept that?” he insisted.

The Got Talent jury added that: “Ana, you are a person who knows much more about television than I do and I am surprised that you do not see that this was not going with you or Cristina. I am surprised that you do not see that I may have wrong ideas, but, before my comment that the death of a relative or a pregnancy gives an audience, someone should still ask who they give an audience to. This, I insist, Ana, was not with you. I was with those who put us there. “