The economist and former leader of the Communist Party of Spain, Ramón Tamames, proposed by Vox as a candidate for the presidency of the Government in the motion of censure that will take place next week in the Congress of Deputies, will ask to advance the general elections scheduled for the end of of the year to next May 28, when the municipal elections are held and in some communities also autonomous, “whatever the result” of the motion.

This is stated in the draft of the speech that he will deliver on March 21, which was advanced by this Wednesday night. Shortly after, Tamames himself acknowledged the authorship of the text, consisting of about thirty pages, in an interview on Capital Radio and explained that it has leaked.

According to Tamames, the electoral advance is necessary due to the desire of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, to “divide the Spanish by trying to dictate the History of all nations to their liking with the alleged Democratic Memory, lacking the truth with not little partisanship and favoring an idealized second republic”.

In his speech, divided into 30 chapters, he also plans to address foreign policy and the relationship with Morocco, the “deterioration and recomposition of health”, the problem of nationalisms that want to “break Spain”, the economic situation of our country, or the fact that Vox is not considered a democratic force despite having considerable support at the polls.

In any case, Tamames does not advocate suppressing the autonomies or outlawing the pro-independence parties, as Vox has suggested. Instead, he does propose a reform of the Electoral Law so that the pro-independence parties do not achieve “the overrepresentation” that they enjoy, which gives them power to set up a government.

The veteran economist will also point out that Spain “is more like a modern absorbing autocracy” and will ask that the judges of organs such as the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court, in the image of the United States, have a life position.

Likewise, it plans to reproach Sánchez for the “abuse” of the decree laws “with 132 approved in the last four years, despite being an extraordinary instrument but for which, for him, the President of the Government, a normal procedure has already been carried out”, which, he will add, “deprives of the minimum parliamentary debate”. And he will also throw in his face the reform of the Penal Code, the law of “only yes is yes” and other laws that in his opinion “are harmful to the country.”

In the economic section, his darts are aimed at raising the Minimum Interprofessional Wage (SMI), which, in his opinion, is detrimental to “almost all small and medium-sized businesses in Spain” and he will dismiss as “large-caliber nonsense” Podemos’s proposal to cap the prices of at least 20 basic products in the shopping cart.

In terms of historical memory, Tamames will make the head of the central government ugly in his vision of the Civil War and will comment during his speech that “there is not a good and a bad side” and that “atrocities were committed on both sides.” “Trying to limit them now to practically just one of those sides is to be untrue and to throw away the 1977 Amnesty Law” to defend that “generations of Spaniards” do not want a conflict like the one that occurred in 1936 to reoccur , will affirm the Vox candidate for president of the Government.