What was a “joke” for him, she didn’t find it funny at all. A nurse from Almería is being investigated for the commission of an alleged crime of sexual assault against his partner, whom he kissed without his consent during one of the breaks they took this Monday during some training sessions.

The woman, who filed a complaint with the National Police, has also claimed to be a victim of workplace harassment after the events and due to alleged previous “sexual insinuations” that would have been made by the accused, according to her version, according to sources of the case.

While the investigation is still underway, the judge has imposed a precautionary measure of 200 meters of distance and incommunication from his partner on the alleged aggressor.

It was during coffee time when everything happened. The nurse and the complainant were going out with other people to rest when he began to blow his nose. The woman would have asked him “jokingly” to stay away from her in case he might be infected with Covid but, far from distancing himself, and according to the victim’s story, he would have grabbed her “strongly” by the face and neck to bring her face closer and kiss her “against her will” on the mouth; a situation to which he “did not know how to react” and to which there were several witnesses. Likewise, he manifested neck ailments after this approach.

The accused, who had to testify both at the police headquarters and at the courthouse regarding these events, acknowledged that he kissed the woman but “on the cheek” within the same joking context, and that he told her that he did not have covid but ” allergy”; an issue that was confirmed after one of the witnesses corroborated to the police that the kiss supposedly occurred on her lips.

The man recognized that his action, understood by him as “a response joke”, had not amused the affected person, which is why he claims that he apologized to her. However, he maintained that he did not force himself on her. Likewise, he indicated that during the day he would have taken a covid test, the results of which would have been sent to a common hierarchical superior. The investigation remains ongoing.