losing weight, exercising, more reading, more time for the family: The list of good resolutions for the new year is often long. You should not assume, however with small steps you come closer to your goals, says happiness researcher Michaela Brohm-Badry.

a Good new year’s resolutions can give life a positive turn – of Michaela Brohm-Badry is confident. “The key is that you set small pulses, the direction in which you want to change his life.” So rather ten minutes of Jogging walking or ten minutes, and learn as equal to an hour want to deal with, advises the Professor of the University of Trier. “Some people fail at their resolutions because they make too much things”.

The small changes were, however, well incorporated in everyday life. Who is cleaning a new activity to an other attachments, build rituals, for example: After brushing teeth, always the Instrument of practice. “As a result, we initiated changes in behaviour.”