The Red Cross makes an appeal to obtain a thousand books to deliver to vulnerable children and young people in the Tarragona demarcation for Sant Jordi. The organization is looking for new, non-war and non-sexist copies that are aimed at ages 3 to 14, as well as written in multiple languages.

Under the slogan ‘Llegim pels nostres drets’, the entity has launched a solidarity campaign with the aim of highlighting the importance of reading among young people, as an idea of ​​healthy learning and leisure. In addition, they want to guarantee access to culture, regardless of the socioeconomic background of young people.

The books can be donated at the Red Cross offices, they can also do so by making a financial donation to the entity so that they can acquire new books. Taking advantage of the day of Sant Jordi 2023, the volunteers from the Joventut department of the organization will establish a book collection point on Saturday in Plaça Corsini in Tarragona, where there will be a day of family activities organized by Mercats de Tarragona.