“One of the more negative aspects of the culture of today, the memory of the brief,” says the writer Claudio Magris. This is echoed Giuseppe Conte, president of the Council: “to hand-To-hand, which increases the distance by certain tragic events, we run the risk of not grasp the danger that will happen again”. Splinters from a dialogue of the exception, the one that opens “the Reading” #470, on newsstands Sunday, November 29, with the “Courier” but already from Saturday, 28 available in the App (downloadable from App Store and Google Play), and in the feeding from the pc and Mac. A part Magris, germanist insigne, novelist of the premio Strega and columnist for “the Courier”, the other to the head of the government, Count, reader and admirer. For four pages to discuss politics, memory, and literature.

The cover of “the Reading” #470 is signed by Roberto Barni

in Addition to the new preview for the Saturday, App de “la lettura” offers a series of exclusive contents that are now accessible via the web from your computer. The Archive contains about 20 thousand articles from more than 450 numbers from 2011 to today, which you can explore with an advanced search engine for the theme, the author, date, and specific categories of contents: cover artist, visual data, the graphic novel, the rankings of the books. From your computer you can download and print the pages, save your searches and history. Every morning subscribers is also proposed that the Theme of the Day: a close examination, an interview, an anticipation, even through multimedia content. Thursday, December 3, Jessica Chia is the interview illustrator and visual artist Elisa Seitzinger that has made the poster for the Vita Nova, the review online, which takes place from Friday 4 to Tuesday, December 8, and that anticipates the 33rd edition of the international Book fair of Turin, one of the 2021 (Life Supernova, 13-17 may). In the Theme of the Day, even the sketches of the poster, while in the insert #470, newsstands, in the App, and in feeding the web from the pc and the Mac, Alessia Rastelli interview Roberto Saviano (a guest of the festival on Friday, December 4 at 12) on the new book, Shout (Bompiani), and Ida Bozzi illustrates the program of the Vita Nova.

In the section dedicated to the Theme of the Day are also collected the focus earlier. Among these, the jazz musicians who have re-read the pages of classical music, from Duke Ellington to Uri Caine are told by Helmut Failoni that in the supplement Failoni interview with Sarah Willis, composer of the Berlin Philharmonic orchestra, Mozart y Mambo: the album born in Cuba and another case in which the classical mixed with other genres. Between the Themes of a text Loris Zanatta, historian specializing in Latin America, which enquires about the fate of Guatemala. The occasion is the novel hard Times(Einaudi), in which the Nobel peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa is reminiscent of the coup in Guatemala in 1954, in which he was knocked down the government of Jacobo Árbenz. The book writes Nicholas H. Cosentino in the supplement.

Other focus digital to Anna Gandolfi, which tracks some of the male figures depicted by great artists such as David Hockney and Tamara de Lempicka; while in the insert at the newsstand, an article is devoted to the book The muses hidden (Joints) in which Lauretta Colonels reconstructs the lives of the female protagonists (forget) of some of the great masterpieces. And the incipit is a preview of the essay Nostalgia. Anthropology of a feeling of this, and Vito Teti (Marietti 1820, in the library from 3 December). In the insert the two pages are devoted to the feelings that the race to the progress he has led us to remove, but on which the pandemic offers an opportunity to reflect: nostalgia, hope and trust. With articles of Elisabetta Moro, Donatella Puliga and Adriano Favole.

Always in the new issue, Small Francis writes of Alexandre Dumas, to whom the 150th anniversary of the death, that may be considered to be the putative father of the tv series for having mastered the sense of suspense. It also demonstrates the operation, social media Romulus, tv series, preceded by a film, and accompanied by a trilogy of novels: speak of the writer Luca Azzolini, the archaeologist Livia Capponi and the director Matteo Rovere, with Cecilia Bressanelli.

See also

Twenty thousand articles, 470 numbers on App and pc of Alessia Rastelli

in Addition: a focus on the 40 years since the death of John Lennon (he writes, among others, Massimo Zamboni, while the Theme of the Day App, Saturday 28, which is still available, anticipates the beginning of the novel, The penultimate move of Carla Viazzi, in the library, on December 3, Morellini Editore, inspired by the former Beatle), then an account of the French Louise Chennevière, and three poems by Louise Glück, Nobel prize for Literature, 2020, with a text by Roberto Galaverni. Between the reviews of this week, also, those in the book by Mario Vargas Llosa, hard Times (Einaudi), and the autobiography of Isabel Allende, the Women of my soul ” (Feltrinelli).

also available Is the Book 2021 de “la lettura”, with lyrics by Sandro Veronesi and director Luciano Fontana. In newspaper at 9.90 euros plus the cost of the newspaper, or booked on primaedicola.en.