Among the voices of the PP that have demonstrated against the agreements of the PSOE and the independentists, that of Mariano Rajoy, the one that has been the least lavish although he participated in the first act of the PP against the amnesty, in September, before the investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo is especially relevant, because he was one of the main protagonists of what is now being erased, because he was the President of the Government during the process.

This Friday, the former president took advantage of the presentation of the president of Galicia, Alfonso Rueda, at an informative breakfast organized by the Forum Europe, to respond to Pedro Sánchez and his investiture speech, in regards to him, to whom, he said , “little less than he held me responsible” for the events that are now being sought for amnesty.

Mariano Rajoy rebels against “the message given to those who seek to liquidate the Constitution and the laws” that pacification in Catalonia is “thanks to dialogue.” His answer is no. “No, pacification consists of applying the law, and when the application of article 155 was launched, no one again tried to liquidate the Constitution and the laws, because they knew that there was an instrument that could put them in their place.”

Given the new account of what happened that Pedro Sánchez wants to do due to the imposition of the independentists, and that has provoked “very just indignation” from citizens and social organizations, Mariano Rajoy stressed that “when I applied article 155, I defended the law and the Constitution, and I did it with the endorsement of the Judiciary and the majority of citizens.” In his opinion, “applying it served to defend the Constitution and the laws,” and not what they intend to do now, which “goes against the Constitution and the law.”

According to Rajoy, 155 “united the majority of Spaniards”, while “what is now represents the greatest stage of division and polarization”, and in the opinion of the former president “155 represents a clear message that Spanish democracy has instruments to defend itself when it is attacked, if there is a serious government that defends it”, quite the opposite of what is happening now.

The former president of the Government also expressed his concern about the legislature that is now beginning, not only because of the complexity of the international and economic situation, but because he considers that it is “the most decisive legislature in recent decades” because, Rajoy said, “it “They are going to test the strength and independence of our institutions and the courage of civil society,” which makes it a “decisive legislature for the future of coexistence and for the validity of our constitutional text.”

Without having anything to say – he pointed out – to the appointment of the President of the Government and the majority that has supported him, there is a fear that he will not govern for the majority of Spaniards, but for their majority, a fear that comes from the speeches of Pedro Sánchez’s partners, for which he asked the president “for a rectification and not to do more damage than he is already doing”, because, he reminded the head of the Executive there are things that in democracy, a government with a majority “cannot do “, as is “not going against the law and the Constitution, which is what is at stake,” he indicated, with the amnesty and self-determination.

He already warns that the Government will say yes, that the amnesty falls within the Constitution, “but they know that it is not like that,” and that everything responds to “a deliberate plan to undermine the independence of justice.”

It will be a legislature, said Mariano Rajoy, which “will be put to an end from Brussels”, which will test “the civic and social courage and the independence of the institutions”, although he is optimistic because in Spain “there is energy and talent to resist this project to mutate the constitutional pact”, since there are “solid institutions and committed citizens”, in addition to having the PP, “the best instrument to give a political response to this situation to lead the resistance”.

And within the PP he highlighted the role played by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, “the most intellectually, politically and morally prepared to tear down that wall of sectarianism that some want to build”, in reference to the wall that Pedro Sánchez spoke of, which also has the “power” of city councils, autonomous communities, which in his opinion is “the best defense weapon against the attack that the country and the Constitution are going to suffer”, by “a majority” that in his opinion is “a majority of contradictory interests.”