The former president of the government Mariano Rajoy has spoken for the first time about the journalistic information of recent days resulting from a joint investigation between La Vanguardia and that suggests that the former leader of the PP was in the case of the Catalunya operation and about the commissions agreed upon in Congress to clarify the facts.

“The establishment in Congress of three investigative commissions has the objective of seeing if they come up with something, which I already told you is very difficult, and then go to court. It is the key to what is happening,” said yesterday the former president in the framework of a legal conference in Boadilla del Monte on “The legal consequences of the amnesty law.” “Amnesty: where can it take us?” was the eloquent title of the colloquium in which Rajoy participated together with the former socialist minister José Luis Corcuera and the State lawyer and former Cs deputy Edmundo Bal.

And the three speakers agreed to reproach the PSOE for not reaching any agreement with the PP of Alberto Núñez Feijóo since Pedro Sánchez has been in charge and that the Amnesty law that is being processed in Congress is detrimental to Spain and its citizens.

In the heart of the Gürtel plot – the former popular mayor of Boadilla del Monte Arturo González Panero, El Albondiguilla, is serving 36 years in prison for the case -, the former president of the PP, who lost the government in 2018 after a motion of censure triggered by the sentence, presented himself as a victim of everything that is happening and defended that the pacts between the PSOE and Junts seek to “guarantee the impunity of those who violated the Constitution, were convicted and in some cases fled”, with the Amnesty law, and condemn him and all those who “defended the Constitution, the law and democracy: judges and prosecutors, security forces and bodies and the government that stopped the coup with the application of 155.” And this, in his opinion, is where the investigative commissions come in. “They will see if they get something and then go to court.”

The former leader of the PP, responding to the question posed by the colloquium – “Amnesty: where can it take us?” – recommended “not trusting in magical solutions” and in a phrase that recalled “whoever can make him do it.” of his predecessor José María Aznar” called on politicians “who agree that this is nonsense to do their job and the Judiciary to do theirs.”

Former minister Corcuera, who left the PSOE after Sánchez regained the party’s general secretary position in May 2017, was forceful in rejecting the amnesty:  “You have to be an idiot to believe that they are not going to do it again,” while Bal targeted Sánchez. “If you tell us that there will not be a referendum, because it does not fit in the Spanish Constitution, we can only think that there will be one,” he predicted.

On Thursday, the PP spokesperson in Congress, Miguel Tellado, broke the party’s silence on this issue and pointed out that the information pointing to the dirty war of Mariano Rajoy’s government is just a “smokescreen” to cover up the law. of amnesty.

In the afternoon, Tellado himself elaborated on his explanations to ensure that “indeed” in Spain “there is an operation Catalunya”, and “the main protagonist of the operation Catalunya is called Pedro Sánchez.” “Operation Catalunya implies an unconstitutional amnesty law, it implies the forgiveness of Catalonia’s debt, it implies the repeal of the crime of sedition so that corrupt politicians do not have to pay their prison sentences. That is the authentic Catalunya operation that the PSOE wants to hide,” he responded to questions from the media in Seseña (Toledo).