On December 29, Amazon Prime premiered Pombo, a documentary that explains the life of María Pombo and her immediate environment. In it, the influencer shows the most personal and vulnerable side of her, talking about issues that she had wanted to bury in her memory. The documentary has a total of four chapters that last 45 minutes and, in the third, the protagonist drops a bomb.

María Pombo remembers her interview in November of last year on the program hosted by David Broncano, La Resistencia. While it is true that the presenter has the ability to expose many of her guests, Pombo did it alone. In a statement to Amazon Prime, she even described it as “the only thing” she regrets about her “professional life.”

It was such a traumatic event for the content creator that “it can’t even be mentioned.” In the La Resistencia program, María Pombo accidentally revealed that she was pregnant. She was not yet ready to announce it to the world, but when the gallery of her mobile phone was shown, the audience could see a photograph of a pregnancy test.

Apart from this bombshell, the Madrid native asked to have the Spanish anthem played as soon as she arrived to feel more “comfortable.” According to her, the hymn was heard at her entire family’s weddings, even at hers.

In return, Broncano and the Movistar program played a video of David Bisbal humming the anthem, mocking Pombo’s request. She laughed it off at the time, but her discomfort was noticeable.

Pombo explains in the clip that has gone viral on Amazon Prime that her parents usually congratulate her on all her jobs or appearances, but in that case they didn’t say anything. That’s when she realized that she “had screwed up” and that she would need to go into “a cave,” with her having “many months without connecting with her Instagram audience” because of shame.