The Provincial Court of Madrid has acquitted the Granada dancer Rafael Amargo of the accusation of selling drugs from his home.

The trial of Amargo, the producer Eduardo de Santos and the partner Manuel Ángel Batista León was held last April, and the Prosecutor’s Office requested nine years in prison for the first two and six years for the third, while the accused defended that they consumed drugs but he did not sell and they requested his acquittal.

Amargo, who went with his lawyer to the Provincial Court to hear the sentence, assured that he was “happy” and “very nervous.”

At the end of the trial, the artist and the producer – who had been in jail since November because they did not comply with the obligation to sign in court – were released until the sentence was handed down.

The judicial decision will be a relief for the Granada dancer, who already stated a few days ago that he regretted “many things” in his first appointment with justice to sign for the first time since he regained the long-awaited freedom.

More than a month out of prison with a life to which he is still “acclimatizing” after almost six months incarcerated. As he declared to the media, he had decided to go “little by little” and with things clear. “This thing about going to jail completely changes a lot of things,” he said. “It seems not, but you have to live it, you have to live it. I hope you don’t experience it.”

The dancer always maintained that he had been prosecuted even though he was innocent, something he has maintained since day one. As he explained to La Vanguardia, nothing was found in any of the police searches of his apartment in Malasaña.

“There was nothing in my house. They have never released that record. They took out what was in someone else’s house and said about ‘the gang,’ she insisted. ”But of course, I am Rafael Amargo. That is the answer”.

His lawyer has always defended that his consumption was due to his dependency problems, for which he has been treated in the Soto del Real Penitentiary Center as a drug addict.

After this decision by the judge, Rafael Amargo did not hesitate to give his first statements to the journalists present. “And now that? “Who will give me back these four years?” said the dancer, as seen in Let’s See. “Right now I’m very nervous because it’s a lot of pain. Above all, what I want is to tell my father and mother, who is the one I have to tell,” he added.