The associates of the Consell de la República have opted to promote the blocking of the eventual investiture of Pedro Sánchez in the internal consultation that began on October 17 and concluded yesterday afternoon. 74.9% of the votes were in favor of the blockade, while 24.9% were against. 0.2% voted blank. However, only 4,021 people (4.45%) of the 90,481 who could do so voted and participation has fallen two points compared to the previous consultation, at the beginning of the month, which was about the operation of the entity.

“Should the Consell per la República promote the blockade of the investiture of the president in Spain by the Catalan independence parties?” was the question that had been addressed to the bases of the independence organization based in Belgium and chaired by the former president Carles Puigdemont.

The consultation is based on the request of a single member and passed the internal screening as it had the endorsement of 1% of the members of the independence entity. These are the requirements of the Consell’s participation mechanism, which some voices now advocate modifying given that with 1% consultations on thorny issues can be promoted very easily.

In any case, the position expressed by the bases of the Consell is not binding for Junts per Catalunya, which keeps open a negotiation path with the PSOE, in any case, as they had made clear since the formation of Jordi Turull and also since the independence organization. Former councilor Toni Comín, vice president of the entity and JxCat MEP, has spoken in this regard several times in recent days, as have other leaders of the organization consulted. “It is like the position that the Catalan National Assembly or Òmnium Cultural may express,” summarized a member of the Consell government when the consultation emerged.

In recent days the local organizations of the Eastern Vallès Council – of Granollers-Canovelles, Cardedeu, Les Franqueses del Vallès, Llinars del Vallès, Montmeló, Sant Celoni, Montornès and Vilamajor – had promoted yes in the consultation, this is the blocking of the investiture, in a joint statement that follows a series of tensions between a critical sector of the entity and, on the other hand, Puigdemont, Comín and the top of the organization.

Last week the results of another vote of the Consell de la República were known, in this case promoted by the management of the entity, in relation to the restructuring that the former president of the Generalitat devised a few weeks ago, which dissolved the assembly of representatives, a kind of parliament. About thirty members of that body criticized the former Catalan president and the rest of the leaders, especially Comín, for its operation and financing. Only 6.53% of the census participated in that consultation. The yes option to the restructuring added up to 76.5% of the votes while the no option remained at 19.5%. 4% voted blank.

In June, with the general elections on the horizon, the Consell leadership rejected the promotion of abstention, as was done by some sectors of sovereignty in a statement. This issue was later debated in a meeting of the assembly of representatives, but the text that even then called for a boycott of the general elections did not prosper. It garnered 55 votes against, 29 in favor and six abstentions of the 121 members called to vote.

Be that as it may, the relevant vote regarding the investiture if in the end there is an agreement between JxCat and the PSOE is the one that may occur among the post-convergent bases. The party’s statutes provide that agreements be subject to consultation among members.