“The speeches will be delivered personally and out loud. The speaker may deliver his speech in any of the languages ??that are official in any autonomous community in accordance with the Constitution and the corresponding Statute of Autonomy.

The PSOE and ERC negotiate a modification of the regulations of the Congress of Deputies in order to make effective the promise of the president of the Lower House, Francina Armengol, so that Catalan, Basque and Galician can be used with total normality in the Parlament.

This is article 70.2, relating to debates and which until now only reads: “Speeches will be delivered personally and out loud. The speaker may speak from the rostrum or from the seat.

However, and waiting for the negotiation between Socialists and Republicans to progress and materialize, it is not specified whether administrative acts or the registration of proposals or laws may also be carried out with one of the three co-official languages ??along with Spanish.

The use of Catalan (also Valencian in the name it receives in Valencia), Basque or Galician has been rejected for many years in the lower house and long claimed by nationalist groups.

However, and as a result of the negotiation for the constitution of the new Congress table after the July elections, in the first intervention of the new president of Congress, Armengol promised to make possible the use of any of the official languages ??in Spain. .

With everything, despite the fact that the president promised to incorporate the three languages ??immediately, shortly after she admitted that it required time and essential legal changes.

Negotiation sources assure that once the agreement is sealed, it is expected to be presented as a bill. As reported by El Periódico, both the parliamentary group of the PSOE and Esquerra want the modification of the regulation to be approved in an extraordinary plenary session called for this purpose.

The incorporation of Catalan, Basque and Galician is one of the conditions that ERC put on the table to agree the Congress Table with the PSOE. It is a point that the Socialists also promised to incorporate with Junts per Catalunya. The Republicans have accelerated so that the proposal crystallizes.