Since dusk, more than 700 guests (734 to be exact) paraded through the entrances to the MNAC building and could not help but make the usual gesture of all those who set foot on the esplanade at the entrance to the palace: contemplating the beauty of Barcelona seen from Montjuic. Inside, while waiting for the arrival of the Kings, the lobby of the oval room looked like The Living Vanguard. The evening not only celebrated the awards ceremony, it was also the celebration of all those who consider this newspaper part of their lives.

In addition to the institutional and political representatives (see pages 20 and 21), guests from the economic and business world such as José Ignacio Goirigolzarri (CaixaBank) attended, among others; Antoni Brufau (Repsol); Josep Creuheras (Planeta); Isak Andic (Mango), Josep Oliu (Bank of Sabadell); Francisco Reynés (Naturgy), Carlos Tusquets (Banco Mediolanum), Pere Navarro (Consorci de la Zona Franca); Antonio Huertas (Mapfre); Eduardo Navarro (Telefónica); Luis Conde (Seeliger y Conde), Josep Lluís Bonet (Chambers of Commerce of Spain); Pau Relat (Barcelona Fair); Maurici Lucena (Aena); Raül Blanco (Renfe), Alejandro Goñi and Antoni Cañete (Pimec) as well as Enrique Lacalle, Rosa Clará and Josep Artigas; Alfonso and Fernando Rodés; Manuel Garí, Josep María Xercavins, Manuel Torreblanca, Javier Suqué, Antoni Pont, Luis Sans, Esteban Rabat, Rosa Tous and Emiliano Suárez. From the world of sport, Joan Laporta (FCB), Mao Ye (RCD Espanyol); Josep Jordi Cambra (RCT Barcelona); of culture, Elisa Duran (La Caixa Foundation), Sara Puig (Miró Foundation), the sculptor Emili Armengol, Ainhoa ??Grandes (Macba), Robert Brufau (L’Auditori), Núria Cabutí (Penguin Random House), Valentí Oviedo (Liceu ), Javier Solana (Museo del Prado) and Joan Oller (Palaú de la Música).

Among the guests, from various areas of civil society, were, along with others, Francisco Gaudier and Mercedes Arnús; María Ventós, Isabel Suqué and Ed Reger; Gabriela Lanardonne and Joseph Zachariuodakis; Rafael Soldevila and Eva Vilallonga; Sixte Cambra, Inés Muiños, Ernestina Torelló, Joan Juvé, Mireia Torres, Lluís Bassat, Tatxo Benet and Camino Quiroga; Pilar García de la Granja, Eugenia Bieto, María Llanos de Luna, Benedetta Tagliabue, Pino Saglioco, Josep Caminal, Francisco Belil, Pau Guardans, Ricardo Fisas, Carlos Martorell, Lola Molinero, widow of Horacio Sáenz Guerrero; doctors Jaume Padrós, Antonio de Lacy, Javier de Benito and Elena Barraquer, and the consuls of the United States, Katie Stana, and of the United Kingdom, Lloyd Milen.

Many of the attendees have seen their name printed in the different sections of the newspaper on some occasions, and others, almost daily. Protagonists who are readers, readers who star in the news.

A miracle, something magical, that has been repeated every day for 142 years and will continue to do so.