The Posidònia Fest, the music festival held in the Port of Mataró (Maresme), starts its third edition next Thursday, August 31, with the free concerts of Pau Brugada, who will present his latest album, “En blanc” , and Celeste Alías, who will offer “Tranquila. Celeste canta Chavela”.

The organizers of the event, which will be held until September 2, have informed this Tuesday that the program will be completed with performances by Albert Pla, Arnau Obiols, Mar Grimalt and Pol Batlle

It is expected that Brugada will make “En blanc” known, where “through a subtle balance between author’s song and urban music, he draws different landscapes in which dynamics are broken to reach unexpected places”.

With “Tranquila. Celeste canta Chavela”, Celeste Alías, accompanied on guitar by Santi Careta and on drums by Oriol Roca, will offer a tribute to the Mexican singer Chavela Vargas, in which she will explore new sounds.

On September 1st, Arnau Obiols will also present his latest work, “Mont Cau”, Critics’ Enderrock Award for the best folk album of 2022, with vocals and drums as protagonists, and then the versatile Albert Pla, will go up solo to stage, in a show with an unusual poetic charge and songs that tell tragic, delicate, crazy or surprising stories.

The last day of the festival will be starred by Mar Grimalt, who will tackle the album “Espurnes i coralls”, the result of a prize from the Sons de la Mediterrània 2021 contest, and by the duo Pol Batlle

The festival will additionally program three musical proposals from the Maresme region, selected through a popular call to perform on the stage located in the Maresme Park. The chosen ones are Flamengrass, Neus Borrell and Miquel Joan (guitar) and Mireia Vilaseca, born in Alella, who will perform songs from her last album, “Des de dins”.

The Posidònia Fest, which alludes to a type of seaweed that is very abundant on the Mataró coast, receives the support of the city council and the city’s port, the Maresme Regional Council and the Barcelona Provincial Council.