Emmanuel Macron, at the Elysee, February 19. BENOIT TESSIER / AFP

Editorial of the ” World “. From ordinary, the return of sunny days is good for the morale. There is a risk this time to take on the look of a new trial. The sun encourages the walks, the friendliness, the reckless after the long winter months, but the release is impossible. There is still a need to hold without a clear perspective on the effects of the immunization policy.

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in the executive branch, which runs for a year long health crisis, the coming months promise to be perilous. At the beginning of the epidemic, the fear made it acceptable devices binding. Since then, it has decreased significantly, making it among our citizens, as our neighbours to the italians, to the discouragement. This is the first teaching of the “Barometer of political confidence” of the Cevipof, the way The World publishes the main results : 41 % of the French say, in the first place to feel the weariness and 34 % of the gloom. These two feelings are strong increase compared to the month of April 2020, while the fear down thirteen points. The evolution is essentially the same in Italy, where 40 percent of those surveyed say to express weariness. In other hand, the morale of the British and German resists, despite the considerable health concerns that they undergo.

Avoid the wrath

Because he was aware of the psychological fragility of the country Emmanuel Macron has refused, at the end of January, to declare a third confinement national, at the time a part of the medical corps claimed. The relief that accompanied the president’s decision has certainly helped to make it acceptable to the curfew to 18 hours. But, the longer the days will lengthen, the more it will be difficult to assign to the residence of the young and the less young people who, for the past twelve months, have learned to live with the virus. As the first phase of the epidemic allowed measures jupitériennes, all the months that separate us from the end of the pandemic will almost require a made-to-measure to avoid the wrath of some and limit the depression of the other. To the extent that the health crisis, there are now strong apprehensions related to its economic consequences, social and financial.

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In the polls, Emmanuel Macron appears to be bolstered by its recent decisions : the half of French people say they have a good opinion of him, according to the barometer FIFG/Paris Match published Thursday, February 18. However, and this is the second lesson of the investigation of the Cevipof, france continues to suffer from a distrust of political stronger than its neighbors : only 37 % of the French think that their leaders have managed the health crisis, while 56 % of Germans and 52 % of Italians approve of the action of their respective governments.

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This specificity is not due to a loss of confidence in the French model, or a decline of faith in democracy. On the contrary. It is explained by a functioning of the political life of less satisfactory : the verticality of power, favoured by the Fifth Republic, led by Emmanuel Macron and accentuated by the management of the crisis, helps to maintain the gap between the leaders and the citizens, even as the policy of “whatever it costs” would be due, in part, to fill in the gap. Parked in the background of the news, the reflection on the functioning of institutions appears to be not only necessary, but vital to accompany the release of crisis.

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The World

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