José Antonio Rovira announced yesterday that he will transfer to the Generalitat’s Attorney’s Office the information on dismissals at his own request or the change of destination of some technicians and managers in the teaching staff area at the beginning of August. The Minister of Education wants to know if the abandonment of functions at the moment the process of adjudication of teaching posts begins can be reason for a file. “They left the process bogged down,” he said.

Before the journalists, who called to explain the reasons for the delay in awarding places, he assessed that “it does not seem fair or appropriate that responsible people have given priority to their personal, political or holiday interests and have gone home leaving the process bogged down “. In addition, Rovira denounced that the Botànic administration did not adopt the appropriate measures to update the computer program, and that this has been one of the main causes of the delay in the allocation of places.

These accusations generated a strong political anger yesterday. From the PSPV, Rebeca Torró reproached the minister for his “threats” to the staff of the Ministry and assured that the regional manager “has lied shamelessly” about the process for awarding teaching positions, which continues to contain “numerous errors, as denounced by the unions”. . “He is making fun of the entire educational community,” she said. “And now, on top of that, he threatens the Administration staff with legal actions for leaving his place,” he criticized while making the minister ugly, imagining that on the latter he will refer to the ‘president’ of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, and the the rest of the ministers who “continued on vacation”, as well as the senior officials of the Ministry of Education who “have not even gone through his office”.

Rebeca Torró wondered “where has been” the head of teaching staff management during the month of August. “The worst thing is that all this is not a coincidence. It responds to the intentions and the hidden agenda of the PP to blow up public education in the Valencian Community and end equal opportunities,” she added.

For its part, Compromís, which has managed Education for two legislatures, issued a statement announcing that it was asking the Ministry of Education about a “possible manipulation” of the system for awarding teaching positions to “benefit people related to the PP” and He affirmed that at the origin of the “unprecedented collapse” of the system is the “express purge of more than 120 key positions” in the department headed by José Antonio Rovira.

“If you remove key profiles and in their place you put people like Sonia Sancho -general director of Teaching Staff- who go on vacation without opening the office, you understand the current chaos,” said deputy Gerard Fullana in a statement.

Compromís will register this week in Les Corts a series of parliamentary questions addressed to Rovira on this issue as if “the Department of Education has manually modified the computerized award system to introduce like-minded people on the lists.”

According to Compromís, “it is impossible for the computer system that has worked for years now to collapse if it is not because an attempt has been made to modify the lists in some way.” Fullana added that in the previous era of the PP in Education “the system was opaque and allowed to do and undo without transparency” and believes that “now it is very likely that they have tried practices from the past, with the problem that this method is much more transparent and the errors are visible to everyone”.

The unions also intervened in the political anger. The Ensenyament sector of UGT Serveis Públics PV regretted that “instead of solutions, the heads of the Ministry of Education have dedicated themselves to making excuses for what has been and is an unprecedented management crisis”, alluding to the delay in the allocation of teaching positions.

“It is not acceptable that, from the beginning of this process, responsibilities have been evaded and the necessary measures have not been taken to guarantee an adequate allocation of places among the teaching staff,” denounced the head of the sector, Maite Tarazona, in a statement. one day after process posting is complete.

The educational union STEPV insisted for its part that the Department of Education must compensate the teachers affected by the delays in the process of adjudication of places. In addition, it warns that new errors have been detected among certain groups, such as Vocational Training or Classical Culture, so that “at least” these processes should be repeated.