The National Police has searched in the early hours of this Sunday the homes of the four detainees Saturday for trying to boycott the Vuelta as it passes through Catalonia. As Martí Majoral, spokesman for Solidarity Alert, explained this Sunday, the defense was not able to visit them until this morning, when it is expected that their statement will be taken and they will be brought before the courts in the next few hours.

During a rally outside the La Verneda police station (Barcelona), Majoral explained that those arrested were present during the police search, which lasted four hours and that the agents took computer equipment. According to police sources, the arrests took place in Solsonès.

“We do not know exactly what they are accused of, what action or how they wanted to do it. Nor do we know if they belong to any collective or group,” Majoral acknowledged in a protest that brought together fifty independentistas in the rain.

From Alerta Solidaria, an organization that supports sovereignist activism, they assure that those arrested were handcuffed during the search, which took place tonight between ten and two in the morning.

“They have told us that the arrest is related to the course of an investigation based on the suspicion that these four people were preparing an action against the normal development of the Spanish Cycling Tour,” Majoral pointed out. Even so, he has highlighted that a lawyer tried to see the detainees on Saturday night, but the police prevented her from doing so until this Sunday morning.

“We hope that, based on these statements, we can learn more about the investigation by the National Police and that a measure as exceptional as the detention is justified, which has already been extended for 24 hours and that due to the pace it is taking, it can surely be end up extending 24 more hours if they do not go to court before noon,” he added.

As for the profile of those arrested, Alerta Solidaria has limited itself to indicating that they are “independenceists”, “adult men” and from Osona, specifically from Vic, Centelles, Calldetenes and Tavernoles.

Solidarity Alert and CDR Cataluña have called a concentration in front of the La Verneda police station, surrounded this morning by agents and vans of the Mossos d’Esquadra. “Four arrests to stop the protests against the colonial Tour, and four nocturnal searches to intimidate the independence movement, as six years ago with the Judas operation,” the CDR have denounced from their X account, formerly Twitter. They have also criticized “the silence of the Government” and of Juntos and ERC.

The general secretary of JxCat, Jordi Turull, has requested this Sunday the immediate release of those detained for threats against the Vuelta, arguing that “protesting is not a crime”. The Republican Marta Rovira has also demanded her freedom. The ANC and Òmnium have expressed their support for those arrested online.

At the rally, shouts of ‘Libertad detenidos’ and proclamations against the Spanish police were heard. The CUP deputies Carles Riera, Eulàlia Reguant and Xavier Pellicer and the former vice-president of the ANC Pep Cruanyes took part in the mobilization.