Podemos’s electoral prospects in Euskadi place it in records similar to those achieved by the Ezker Batua brand in its day, with around three seats, according to the latest Sociometer of the Basque Government. This weak position may become the best guarantee that the pact of the purples with Sumar can go ahead, facing the elections to the Basque Parliament next year, despite the fracture that has been consummated in Madrid. The sources consulted are moderately optimistic in this regard, although there are some important differences regarding the candidacy and the brand they would present.

The possible alliance between Podemos and Sumar depends on the ability to understand each other between the current leaders of the purple formation and their predecessors. Not in vain, behind the recently registered Sumar Mugimendua (Sumar Movement) brand, are Lander Martínez, Andeka Larrea or Edurne García, leaders of Podemos who abandoned the purple formation in February 2020, when Miren Gorrotxategi won the primaries against Martinez.

Almost four years later, both sides are reunited on both sides of the negotiating table, faced with complicated electoral prospects and in a context of confrontation in Madrid. The first element works in their favor, since attending separately would minimize their chances and even put at risk their chances of achieving parliamentary representation.

However, the sources consulted acknowledge that the rupture in Congress disrupts the talks. These holidays and long weekend have been especially intense. Podemos met urgently on Wednesday, Constitution Day, to ratify its commitment to unity, although clarifying that the existing balances and the “full autonomy of the coalition subjects” must be “respected.”

On behalf of Sumar, Lander Martínez has stressed his commitment to “a broad and solid coalition.” The problem comes when talking about the concrete: the lists, the brand… The need to understand each other to avoid a debacle is the only thing that helps in pursuit of the agreement.