The acting Minister of Social Rights and General Secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, asked this Saturday the socialist part of the Executive to work together to present a petition from the Government to the Prosecutor’s Office of the International Criminal Court to investigate “the war crimes committed in Palestine by Netanyahu.

The leader of Podemos has explained that this must be done as was done recently in the case of the Spanish aid worker murdered in the Ukrainian war, as well as with the murders perpetrated by Hamas in Israel and in the occupied territories against the civilian population. .

In a statement issued to the media, Belarra has urgently requested the establishment of humanitarian corridors that allow the exit of civilians and the entry of humanitarian aid and emergency teams, that the European Union (EU) stops “being complicit with a war criminal like Netanyahu” and deploy his diplomatic efforts to end “Israel’s occupation and apartheid of Palestine.”

The leader of the purple formation has highlighted her accusation of the European Union (EU) and the United States of “encouraging” Israel in “its policy of apartheid and occupation that seriously violates human rights.”

Likewise, the Podemos leader has pointed out that using the “terrible murders” of Israeli civilians by the Palestinian armed factions as an excuse to justify Israel’s crimes, in general, and the Gaza massacre, in particular, is something “absolutely unacceptable”.

Belarra has also criticized that Israel is carrying out a “planned genocide” in the Gaza Strip, leaving hundreds of thousands of people without light, food and water and carrying out bombings on the civilian population that are “a collective punishment.” , seriously breach international law and may be considered war crimes.

“Israel must feel international pressure to put an end to the bombings through all measures within our reach, such as an arms embargo or sanctions on those responsible for the attacks,” the minister added.

The leader of Podemos has asked the EU to seek the complicity of countries that have the capacity to dialogue with all the actors in the conflict, especially those countries in the global south, to promote a negotiated solution that ensures a fair, lasting and stable peace in the region.

On the other hand, the leader has indicated that her political organization attends with “enormous concern” the prohibition of mobilizations in solidarity with the people of Palestine in several European countries and has recalled that freedom of expression and the right to demonstrate They are fundamental rights that “have to be protected in democracies that want to be worthy of the name.”

In that sense, under the premise that Europe and its peoples are of peace, a value that the EU “has to recover” to the detriment of “following the US”, Belarra has called on citizens to exercise their rights, mobilize and organize in the streets for “the end of the blockade, illegal occupation and apartheid” carried out by Israel.