The report of the lawyers from the Congress for the refusal to create a commission of inquiry on the King emeritus, Juan Carlos I , to be its inviolability “permanent” has fallen like a bucket of cold water on the parliamentary groups that had sued the investigation. Reactions to this refusal have not been made wait. The PNV has ordered a reform of the Constitution to remove the inviolability of the monarch. And Bildu has requested the withdrawal of the portraits and statues of Juan Carlos I of Congress.

the spokesman of The basque nationalists, Aitor Esteban , has been pointed out before entering the meeting of the Board of Spokespersons that report of the lawyers of the Camera “falls into contradiction with the position of the Prosecutor’s office” in reference to the Public Ministry announced last week that yes, it will investigate the King emeritus for the business that was able to perform after that if you abdication in June of 2014.

“in Addition, this report is a signal that is very dangerous and is not acceptable to be sent from the Parliament, it is understood as a culture of impunity that could not be extended, for example, in the case that we were faced with a course of murder,” added Were, who considers that “the situation is very serious” and that it is necessary to “change the Constitution and let the inviolability of the King only for his political activity and not to the private”.

Also the spokesman for Bildu, Mertxe Aizpurua , has been very critical of the report of the lawyers to consider that “an inviolability permanent is equivalent to an impunity for life.” “It’s an outrage”, has pointed out to then ask that they be removed from Congress all the statues and portraits of Juan Carlos I “as it has been approved in the Face of Navarra with the votes in favour of the PSOE and United we Can”.

Also the spokesman of ERC, Gabriel Ruffian , has referred to this controversial report, which emerged yesterday and that today will examine the Table of Congress, and has said that it is “a shame that it legitimizes someone by their last name.” “You can’t have people in this country have the right to steal,” said the republican speaker, who has promised that his group “does not desist” in its proposal to create the commission, because “the PSOE are increasingly more afraid of curbing this type of research”.

And the spokesman of the Comuns in the Congress, Gerardo Pisarello , has been added to this thesis and has indicated that he sees with good eyes check out the images of the King emeritus of Congress as being “made in the Barcelona city Council” on a proposal from the mayor, Ada Colau .

Congress will soon have on the table another petition of the commission of inquiry. Bildu wants to be investigated a Felipe González after that in some documents declassified from the CIA is mentioned as an alleged promoter of the GAL. Aizpurua has explained that the group will liaise with other forces parliamentarians to promote this commission. For the moment, it already has the yes of the PNV.