The Government delegate in the Valencian Community, the socialist Pilar Bernabé, is ahead of Diana Morant, new general secretary of the PSPV, in her response to Carlos Mazón. It has been seen this week in his responses to the Popular Party, in which Bernabé has raised the tone to oppose Mazón and thus lead the speech against the government led by PP and Vox in the Valencian Community, while Morant maintains a more discreet profile .

Thus, Bernabé has been the protagonist of the latest confrontations with the Popular Party. This week the mayor of Alfafar, Juan Ramón Adsuara (PP), asked for Bernabé’s resignation, accusing her of “disregarding” the residents of the town affected by a level crossing that has been a black spot for accidents for years.

Also in Les Corts, the deputy spokesperson for the popular group, Laura Chulià, urged the delegate to “stop lying and confusing the residents of Alfafar, Benetússer and Sedaví to cover up the incompetence of the Sánchez Government” regarding the burying of the railway tracks. train.

Barnabas’ response a day later was forceful. He accused the mayor of Alfafar of “political trilerism” and criticized the Generalitat Valenciana, with whom he had participated in a business event minutes before. “Do we want to talk now about burying the roads? Well, that’s something else. Let’s talk about that. Are we talking about a project of the president of the Generalitat with his mayor, a party colleague, where they only talk about their own things and their kilometer of the municipality of Alfafar or do we really address a project that is long-term and that affects many municipalities and that is something that you can play with temporarily? Are we now going to short-termism and wage a political war here, to that permanent overacting? the one that the PP has accustomed us to?” said Bernabé, for whom the situation “borders on the indecent.”

After responding to a local issue, the same day in the afternoon he also did not miss the opportunity to target Mazón due to his pact with Vox. At an event held in Oliva, in commemoration of the victims of Franco’s regime, he said that the government of Carlos Mazón “intends to plunge the Valencian Community into historical denialism” and warned that “the socialists are not going to consent to it.”

Bernabé is also guarding Ximo Puig’s legacy, since in the same act he valued “the work and effort of the Ximo Puig Consell, which believed “in the victims and in justice” and criticized that the Mazón Consell “wants to end everything.” what we have achieved in terms of historical memory. Francoism existed and we have to condemn it,” he assured.

Diana Morant, who maintains a more discreet profile, is expected next Tuesday in Valencia, where accompanied by the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, she will participate in an event in defense of democratic memory next to the Paterna cemetery, known as Wall of Spain. The Concord Law that PP and Vox plan to approve in the Valencian Community is where the Government is focusing these days its opposition to whoever now manages the Generalitat Valenciana.