Each new technology brings with it a series of opportunities and challenges. As is known, the latest advances in digitalization and the emergence of new tools are transforming our way of conceiving certain professional and industrial sectors, as well as countless human activities and also people’s health. For example, thanks to new technologies, more precise diagnoses, more personalized treatments and greater efficiency in processes and use of resources can be achieved.

This new scenario, without a doubt, complex and stimulating in equal parts, requires organizations and professionals in the health sector to constantly commit to innovation, in order to further improve the quality of life of patients. This is the case of Boehringer Ingelheim, a family company with almost 140 years of history that, since its inception, has been linked to improving the quality of life of patients. Through its global digital services center, it has developed numerous cutting-edge projects in areas such as campaign automation and monitoring, data integration, training services or scientific services. Recently, it has incorporated other notable activities such as digital performance, web measurement and personalization, search enablement and optimization.

This hub focuses on 4 focus areas: medical and scientific services, operational services and development, omnichannel execution; and “data excellence”. For example, it uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to support the creation and dissemination of scientific content. Additionally, through experience and data analysis, healthcare professionals are provided with the right information at the right time to ultimately empower them in diagnosing and treating patients. All of this, with the aim of positively impacting people’s lives.

This center located in Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, ??is one of the three international hubs that Boehringer has today in its Spanish headquarters. The other two are dedicated, on the one hand, to providing global assistance in information technology (this IT Hub being the largest in the company, after its center in Ingelheim am Rhein; the group’s headquarters and the United States) and, on the other, to regulatory matters. The global digital services center, founded in 2018, has experienced constant growth, initially with 5 professionals and expanding to 64 internal and 134 external collaborators to date. In 2023, the division experienced a 33.33% increase in its staff, and by 2024 it is expected to reach 100 internal collaborators, with an increase in the workforce of 56.25%. This team is distinguished by its diversity, hosting twelve different nationalities and with a female representation of more than 53%.

Since its inception and until 2021, the priority of this division was to establish a Digital Marketing hub and another for Global Analysis and Data Quality, with the intention of providing strategic digital services to all places where the company is located, both for human and animal health. However, in recent times, their attention has also focused on SEO projects and web portal optimization. To all this we must add a team dedicated to producing virtual events, at the forefront of this matter to offer the best experience to the company’s clients.

At the same time, the company continues to give the green light to new transformative projects. As Albert Codony, head of Customer Excellence at Boehringer Ingelheim in Spain, explains, this year they will inaugurate “a world-class Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence.” As he describes it: “This is a state-of-the-art facility that will engage in pioneering business process automation activities setting new standards in this field.”

For these advances to become a reality, Boehringer plans to invest 18 million euros in this hub throughout this year. The objective is – as Rosa María López, director of Business Operations and of the Business Transformation franchise of Boehringer Ingelheim in Spain, points out – “to become leaders in digital innovation within the pharmaceutical industry and to be a strategic site at a global level” . This will allow you to adopt the most cutting-edge tools and, at the same time, generate great opportunities for growth and professional development for your collaborators. Codony, for its part, is convinced that the new center will significantly advance the capabilities of the pharmaceutical industry, promoting the mission of enhancing AI to improve its options and services, always with an eye toward improving the lives of patients.

Likewise, since 2022, a Medical Affairs Services team has been developed focused on the management of publications and scientific writing of medical information. Since this year, medical specialists have also been incorporated to support the management of compassionate use programs. In addition, the company plans to create a team of publication writers (abstracts, posters, manuscripts).

All of these initiatives are the expression of the crucial importance that the company attaches to the incorporation of technology and the integration of digitalization as a way to continue advancing in the quality of the service it offers to collaborators, healthcare professionals and patients. The passion for innovation coexists with special attention to all those measures and proposals dedicated to promoting equality, diversity and the quality of life of its workers. In the words of Rosa María, “we want our teams of people to overcome challenges every day in a diverse, human, trusting and empowering work environment, which has been part of our culture as a family business since its inception.”