The Sindicatura de Greuges de Barcelona has asked Barcelona City Council to continue removing fascist symbols from public spaces that began in 2015, under the protection of Law 20/2022 on Democratic Memory.

The institution has also recommended that the City Council make public the census of elements to be removed, a proposal that is expected to be ready in June 2024, as explained by the Audit Office in a statement.

On the other hand, the Ombudsman defends that the convenience of establishing a channel so that citizens can communicate the detection of fascist symbols that do not appear in the census prepared by the City Council should be considered.

Law 20/2022 on Democratic Memory determines that the General Administration of the State, with the collaboration of the rest of the administrations, must prepare a catalog of

symbols and elements contrary to democratic memory. “Although this catalog is not yet available, it will allow administrations to improve their protocols and have a more comprehensive vision of their task,” concludes the Audit Office.