The head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, announced this Saturday that the Government will approve direct aid to all farmers at the next Council of Ministers due to the increase in prices derived from the war.
In an act of the PSOE in La Palma together with the president of the Government of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, the also general secretary of the socialists has affirmed that the best thing for Spain is that in 2023 it happens as in 2022, that the forecasts of the Executive and the Popular Party are wrong again.
Sánchez has accused the party led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo of being the “prophets of the apocalypse” and of being installed in the “blockade”, an attitude that has opposed the government’s action, with “zero triumphalism” and solutions for the people. For the president, it is still curious that the popular ones assure that there is a “hidden plan of the evil Sánchez, who wants to establish a Bolivarian republic for a collectivist economy”, that democracy and the homeland are in danger and, after calling a demonstration last Saturday in Cibeles “with those nostalgic for the dictatorship”, don’t go.
“This thing about defending the homeland should be from Monday to Friday, because, of course, it is very tiring to spend all day announcing the apocalypse and affirming that the homeland must be defended, but during work days, because during the weekends what there is to do is rest”, he ironized.
Sánchez has once again highlighted the unprecedented events that the Government has had to face since it arrived in La Moncloa and has given the eruption of the La Palma volcano as an example, where in 16 months 500 million euros have been deployed, to which must be added to the 140 million foreseen in next year’s budgets for the reconstruction of the island.
“We do not choose the crises, but we do choose how we respond”, remarked Sánchez, who has indicated that his recipe involves defending the people and social justice. A management that he has compared with the one carried out by the PP government in the previous financial crisis.
Faced with the “neoliberal response” of that time, in which -he has said- prevailed “every man for himself” and bankrupt banks were rescued, the Government, in the face of the crisis generated by the war in Ukraine, has raised pensions according to the CPI and he has told the large financial institutions that they have to contribute more for the extraordinary benefits.
“Of course there is a difference between a government of the left and one of the right,” continued Sánchez, for whom, before the next elections in May and December, the Executive will continue to do what it always does in non-electoral years, work to give dignity labor and wages and to reinforce the welfare state.
In short, he added, to “protect the people” against those who defend the interests of a very powerful minority that does not represent the majority.