The rector’s office of the University of Valencia (UV), in agreement with the dean’s office of the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, has suspended the activities this Thursday morning after a group of people from the pro-Palestinian camp blocked access to that building.

Faced with the accusation by the campers that the UV “collaborates with a Zionist and apartheid State” and the announcement that they will continue until these actions end, the university institution has assured that it does not have collaboration agreements with universities in Israel, nor with the Israeli government. The campers accuse the rectorate of artificially prolonging the situation with bureaucratic excuses for not giving a response and assure that it is evident that the University of Valencia, in this way, is actively collaborating in the perpetuation of the genocide.

This was stated by the university institution after this morning the group of people who were spending the night inside the building of the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences threw out the security personnel of the University and blocked the lobby of the hall with furniture. center access to the Faculty.

Given the justification of the members of the Palestine camp for this action due to “the systematic position of ignorance, silence, lack of communication and inaction” of the UV government team, they point out that this Wednesday members of the camp met with a group of vice-rectors of the UV at the rectorate headquarters, and they were scheduled for a new meeting next week.

Furthermore, the UV assures that, since the beginning of the camp, the UV Board of Directors has been in contact with one of the first spokespersons for the camp, a professor at the University, who has currently abandoned this camp.

The university has explained that members of the Board of Directors of the University and the Dean of the Faculty are currently outside the building, and that it maintains access controls to the rectorate building, after last Tuesday members of this camped group will try to occupy it as well.

Finally, the UV highlights that its faculty took a clear position, on February 22, calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, an end to the violation of Human Rights and a permanent solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict.