Pablo Sánchez Marquiegui (48) will preside over the Real Club de Polo de Barcelona, ??after the electoral process that the entity experienced this Sunday, the first elections in 14 years.

Sánchez Marquiegui, representative of the continuity wing of the board of directors, has won by a wide margin of votes over Javier Moreno Meyerhoff (59), the other candidate. Sánchez Marquiegui has collected 1,893 votes (58% of the votes), compared to Moreno Meyerhoff’s 1,395 votes (42%).

Sánchez Marquiegui, an engineer by training and co-founder of DinamarKa, a digital communication and software development agency, has been part of the board of directors of the last three presidents. He was a field hockey member in the presidency of Juan Ángel Calzado (2002-2010), executive secretary in the mandate of Eudaldo Bonet (2010-2016) and first vice president with Curro Espídos (2016-2023).