news 07082024 121955
news 07082024 121955

In a recent book titled “Unhumans,” co-written by Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec, the authors make extreme claims about progressives, calling them subhuman and suggesting they are a threat to humanity. The book has received endorsements from influential figures in the Republican party, including JD Vance, who is currently a candidate for vice president.

Posobiec and Lisec argue that leftists do not deserve to be considered human and are engaged in a shadowy war against what is good and decent. They claim that throughout history, great men have been needed to crush this supposed evil, with democracy being portrayed as ineffective in protecting against the so-called unhumans.

The authors praise dictators like Francisco Franco and Augusto Pinochet, who led oppressive regimes and engaged in violent suppression of political dissent. These authoritarian ideas are not new and have been circulating in certain corners of the internet and extremist groups.

It is concerning that a prominent political figure like JD Vance would openly align himself with such extreme and undemocratic views. The fact that the book has received endorsements from influential Republicans is alarming and raises questions about the direction of the party.

In a time when political polarization is already high, promoting divisive and dehumanizing rhetoric only serves to further deepen the divide. It is essential for political leaders to promote unity and understanding, rather than endorsing dangerous and extremist ideologies that seek to dehumanize those with differing beliefs.