Since early this morning, the National Police and the Mossos d’Esquadra have been carrying out an operation against the neo-Nazi gang Combat 18, a “criminal organization” spread throughout Europe that has made calls to commit attacks against immigrants, ethnic minorities, figures left-wing or related to the LGTBI movement.

The operation has been announced by both police forces jointly on social networks, although it has not yet been concluded. Searches and arrests are being carried out in different locations in Catalonia, Madrid, Lugo, Toledo and Malaga.

The neo-Nazi organization Combat 18 takes the numerical figure of its name from the first and eighth letters of the alphabet—A for Adolf and H for Hitler. The xenophobic band originated in the United Kingdom in 1992, although it later spread to several countries, including Germany, until it was banned by the Ministry of the Interior in 2020. The group is related to the British band ‘Blood and Honour’.

Combat 18 states in its white supremacist propaganda magazine that the group’s objectives are to send “all white people back to Africa, Asia and Arabia.” “Either alive or in body bags.” Also “eliminate Jews” from public life or “execute” all LGTBI people.