A 24-year-old woman died this Thursday in a Palestinian attack with gunfire at one of the entrances to Jerusalem. The Magen David Adom (MDA) emergency services confirmed that there are eight more people injured, five of them in serious condition. The injured have been transferred to the Shaare Tzedek and Hadassah Ein Karem hospitals in Jerusalem.

The Police confirmed the attack with “several victims” on one of the access roads to Jerusalem, near the train and bus station, and indicated that the two suspects “were neutralized at the scene”, so they predictably died. “Two terrorists who arrived at the scene armed in a vehicle, shot at civilians at the bus stop and were neutralized by security forces and a civilian who was nearby,” reported a police spokesperson.

The Police, who did not provide further details about the condition of the attackers, confirmed that there are several victims, “including fatalities and serious injuries” and that under the command of Jerusalem Commissioner Doron Turgeman, they have already opened a preliminary investigation into the attack and They surrounded the attack area. “A report was received at 7:38 local time (5:38 GMT) about a terrorist attack with shooting on Weizmann Boulevard in Jerusalem,” the MDA had initially reported.

The attack occurs in a very tense atmosphere in the West Bank and Jerusalem, in parallel to the war with Gaza, where an extension of the truce for a seventh day was agreed.