What began as an idea thrown into the air, has become in recent hours a pressure that bothers some socialist deputies, who may be refractory to the amnesty but have no intention of betraying their party. Cuca Gamarra has gone from television to television encouraging socialists who may be critical of the pardon measure to support Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who will try to be sworn in as president on the 27th, knowing that he is missing four votes. The Andalusian president, Manuel Moreno, has also done so publicly. To know what they should be moving in private.

The PSOE has buckled in the face of these pressures and the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, has come on stage to say that he may not be in favor of some of his party’s measures, but that he will never seek or protect any turncoat. Minister María Jesús Montero has recalled that transfuguism is a form of political corruption and an undemocratic practice.

The political history of this country teaches us that the PP does not save on expenses when it comes to accessing the government, as happened twenty years ago, when it managed to prevent Rafael Simancas from being president of the Community of Madrid thanks to the votes of two socialist deputies. , Eduardo Tamayo and María Teresa Sáez, who abstained. It is what journalism called “tamayazo”, a term that sooner or later will enter the dictionary.

Politics lost its scruples a long time ago and to achieve power anything goes. Not only in Spain. George Clemenceau once said that “a traitor is a man who left his party to join another, while a convert is a traitor who left his party to join ours.” We’ll see what happens this next week.

Perhaps parliamentarians should read Shakespeare, who had King Lear say that treason is worse than murder. Or Dante, who placed them in the last circle of hell, where Lucifer himself devoured them. The bad thing is that then Anatole France came and proclaimed that in politics there are no traitors, only losers, and that’s where we are: expectant about what happens on Wednesday.