Carlos Mazón complained on Monday that there is “a lot of noise” in Valencian politics. He was referring, specifically, to the controversy that he himself has wanted to settle on authority with the Valencian regulations of the Valencian Academy of Language, AVL, questioned by Vox and some of its consellers. But the truth is that this noise reaches other issues and not even the holidays have allowed some peace for the new executive of the PP and Vox that has just started the legislature.

In the PSPV and in Compromís, parties that until recently governed the Generalitat Valenciana together with Unides Podem, the announced objective of auditing the new regional executive in a short time, of putting pressure on each measure adopted by the new Consell, is being fulfilled. Each decision or announcement by the PP and Vox team has a quick response from the left; nothing to do with what happened in 2015 when the PP lost its institutions: it took a long time to start exercising opposition and did not gain muscle until the election of Mazón as president of the party, in July 2021.

The scenario has been altered by the results of 23-J, which have allowed the Valencian left to recover their spirits after the heavy autonomic defeat of 28-M. The expectation that Alberto Núñez Feijóo will not be elected president at the inauguration and that Pedro Sánchez will be able to do so seems to have energized the PSPV whose leader, Ximo Puig, seems determined to act as head of the opposition; contrary to what Joan Lerma did when he lost the Generalitat in 2005 against Eduardo Zaplana. Puig is a territorial senator, but maintains the act of regional deputy, from where he wants to lead the action of the parliamentary group in the Corts and continue to be the image of the PSPV.

The controversy of the Valencian has been proof of this mobilization of the left, with profuse support in social networks, a terrain in which the right moves worse, and also due to the problems of the Ministry of Education for the award of teaching posts . On this issue, just yesterday Compromís requested a commission of investigation in the Cortes and the PSPV intensified the criticism and reinforced its complicity with the unions with which it maintains a close relationship in public education.

The left, moreover, has prepared various strategies to oppose what, according to their intuit, are going to be key decisions of the new Executive. Among these, the reduction of taxes (those of inheritance and donations have already been eliminated), the entry of private management into public health and Education or the modification of the rules in the admission of subsidized schools. These are possibilities announced by the PP during its electoral campaign. To this are added the gestures of Vox, a formation that has created many problems for the image of the Consell with the messages on social networks of some of its prominent leaders.

The PSPV and Compromís also want, according to sources from both parties, to “shake up” the legislature and act both in the institutions and on the street. At the moment, both formations have achieved prominence at the beginning of this legislature; It remains to be seen if they will keep up the pulse in the coming months.