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The well-known chef, who has lived in Chile for a few years, stars in the new chapter of the podcast Stay to eat, in which he reflects on the turn his life took when he had to close the restaurant in Madrid and how he readjusted his scale of values ​​and is happier now than when he was at the top.

Arola looks back on the old days, when he worked at the l’Aram restaurant or was part of the Joves Amants de la Cuina collective, and recalls the innocence and yearning for creativity in those times he feels lucky to have lived. An era of gastronomy that he compares to the swinging London of the 60s with the Beatles and Rolling Stones embodied in Adrià and Santamaria.

– Lists and guides. This week the new OAD ranking of the best European restaurants was presented in Madrid. While the Danish Alchemist continues to lead, Etxebarri from Biscay remains in third place, followed by Bagá (Jaén) and from Madrid Desde 1911.

– Premium cider time. The traditional fermented apple juice is fashionable both in countries that have traditionally consumed it, such as Spain, France or England, as well as in others that see it as a very interesting drink that is also gaining ground in haute cuisine. Rosa Molinero tells us about it in this report.

– Before or after eating? Many times we doubt if it is better to take the medications that have been prescribed before or after eating. The truth is that while there are some that are better to take with some food, others are recommended to be taken on an empty stomach. Laura Conde consults with experts and tells us why.

– Penthouse by Wow. In the new Penthouse by Wow, inside the iconic building of the old Hotel Roma, Javier Goya and Javier Mayor combine the cuisine of Madrid from yesterday and today with traveling flavors in a pleasant space with retro decoration.

– Couscous with cherries. The heat arrives and you want fresh salads and tabbouleh, like the one that Ana Casanova proposes today, very simple to prepare following this recipe, and with the refreshing and sweet touch that the cherries give it.