* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In La Vanguardia Readers’ Photos we can admire autumn in the Urkiola Natural Park. In Anboto, its highest peak, we find the Mari cave as a mythological reference.

Furthermore, in front of the Urkiola Sanctuary there is a symbolic stone that is a place of pilgrimage for those who want to find a partner quickly. And, according to legend, it only takes three turns around the stone to achieve it, although others believe that you have to turn seven times to find love (or keep it).

Also on the outside of this sanctuary there are three elements that symbolize the way of life of Bizkaia: the anchor represents the seafaring life; the laya (farm tool) refers to agricultural life and a foundry turbine alludes to industrial life.

In this series of photographs we can contemplate the autumn color of the trees or, rather, the variety of shades, as well as the beautiful carpets of dry leaves.

In one of the images we see the landscape of the Tres Cruces. Next to the sanctuary begins the path that leads to a viewpoint. The path crosses a beautiful beech forest and leaves behind the hermitage of Santo Cristo.

This place offers us an impressive panoramic view of the Atxarte gorge and the entire Durangaldea area. As a whole, the Urkiola Natural Park brings together the highest altitude terrain of the Sierra de Aramotz.

It includes a series of limestone mountains and rocks, ravines and deep valleys, with peaks that make up an abrupt landscape but highly appreciated by mountaineering and hiking fans.