The president of the Junta of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, today criticized the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, for “marketing” with the votes of the independentists for his investiture, and has asked him to “clarify” the details of the negotiations after Sumar’s “crazy” amnesty proposal.

“I find it very sad what we are seeing in the negotiations for the investiture, a constant marketing to assume the presidency that is not done out of conviction, but simply to get some votes and remain president of the Government” Moreno assured this Saturday from Barcelona.

“I hope that someone takes control of the socialist party. I believe that there are socialists with legal solvency who can stop this crazy race, who put rigor and order in the legitimate position that Sánchez has to be invested, and who do it knowing the general interest, and not just a particular interest in maintaining the presidency of the Government of Spain”¸ Moreno added.

The Andalusian president has stressed that, in the case of the ‘procés’, there were police, judges and prosecutors working for years to gather the investigations to prosecute the leaders of the ‘procés’ for crimes such as embezzlement, and that an amnesty would mean “going bankrupt equality among Spaniards”.

“We are facing a crazy proposal by Sumar and a competition with the socialists to see who gives more to the independence movement. I think that is not good, we are talking about the future of the rule of law, of the legal security that the Constitution represents. Spanish,” criticized the Andalusian leader.

Taking advantage of his visit to Barcelona, ??Moreno met this Saturday morning with prominent figures of Catalan society at the headquarters of the Círculo Ecuestre, in a private meeting that, according to the Andalusian president, he scheduled to “learn from everything that is happening in Spain and Catalonia”.

Among the businessmen who received him at the Circulo Ecuestre, in addition to the new president of the entity, Enrique Lacalle, was Javier Godó, Count of Godó, president of the Godò group and editor of La Vanguardia.

Moreno arrived yesterday in Barcelona where he received the Andalusian of the Year 2023 award awarded by the Casa de Andalucía of Barcelona. At this event he was accompanied by the Andalusian Minister of the Presidency, Antonio Sanz; the secretary of Foreign Action of the Junta and former delegate of the Government in Catalonia, Enric Millo; the delegate of the Board in Catalonia, Esperanza García; the mayors of Badalona (Barcelona), Xavier García Albiol, and of Castelldefels (Barcelona), Manu Reyes; the leader of the Catalan PP, Alejandro Fernández and the leader of the PP in Barcelona City Council, Daniel Sirera.

Moreno will participate tomorrow in the demonstration called by the Catalan Civil Society. Regarding this concentration, he has said that he hopes for a “peaceful, serene and constructive” act, and that it will demonstrate that “the majority of Spanish society and a good part of Catalans” are against this formula.