Pla Endreça is designed in eight axes to rethink public space, plan its maintenance and conservation, guarantee coexistence and promote citizen co-responsibility. It has been developed with a comprehensive approach and is adapted to face current challenges such as climate change or social inequalities. The eight axes are the following:

Cleaning is a priority action of Pla Endreça, and the actions of the neighborhood brigades and the cleaning of graffiti will continue. In green management, a resilience plan will be carried out for drought situations. With respect to co-responsibility, a diagnosis will be made to improve the conservation of private spaces on public roads, such as terraces, mailboxes or electrical panels.

Comprehensive maintenance plan: prevention to maintain public space

It is a project framed in the Pla Endreça, which will have a budget of 435 million euros until 2026 to guarantee the excellence of public space, with three objectives:

Coexistence plan

Barcelona City Council has developed a plan to prevent uncivil attitudes, adapt the resources of the Urban Police in this area and deploy a specific plan for coexistence in nightlife. With respect to the regulations, the Coexistence Ordinance will be reviewed, and the sanctioning process and the financial amounts of the fines will also be updated. The Urban Police and the cleaning and waste services will identify the behaviors that have generated the most demands on the service to redirect them. Strategies will be established to resolve behaviors and activities not permitted in public spaces, such as drinking bottles, not respecting traffic rules or incorrect management of commercial waste. The impact of private activities on public space will also be analyzed.

The Endreça Plan Office

The Plan Endreça Office is directed by the Municipal Management with the collaboration of the managements involved in the plan, Security, Urban Services, Territory and Social Action and Health. It is responsible for guaranteeing resources, supervising the deployment of the plan and evaluating results, impact and perception.