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The ECIU University, an alliance of European universities of which the UAB is a part, is an initiative of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) that aims to create a model of a pioneering and innovative higher education institution on a European scale, which functions as an open and flexible system.

Microcredentials detail the competencies obtained during the learning process by the student, including the level of expertise and the ESCO (European skills, competencies, qualifications and occupations). As a forerunner of the European dimension of micro-credentials, ECIU University takes a leap and will deploy centralized and tamper-proof micro-credentials. Electronically stamped by the ECIU consortium and issued through the EDC (European Digital Credentials) platform, the micro-credentials detail the competencies obtained during the learning process, including the level of expertise and the ESCO. “Starting the issuance of digital microcredentials is a key and pioneering step in Catalonia and Spain. Digital credentials, which each student or apprentice will be able to obtain and accumulate digitally on their own device throughout life (lifelong learner), is a milestone that will mark the path towards new ways of accrediting, registering, accumulating and transferring information about the educational achievements that anyone can make at our university,” stated the vice-rector for International Relations of the UAB and current president of the ECIU, Màrius Martínez.

Microcredentials can also be stored on the Europass platform for easy access and management by students. “Having digital credentials, compatible at European level (through the Europass initiative, with which our credentials are fully compatible) is a way to get closer to the future of accreditation and the future of the interoperability of the recognition mechanisms of the training on an international scale, which will make things much easier for students and apprentices throughout their lives and we are very happy to be a pioneering institution,” stated Martínez.

Through the ECIU University Engage platform, students can navigate personalized learning paths, supported by tools and functionalities such as motivation analysis and the skills passport, which makes it easy to track the progress of their skills and skill development in your profile. All of this helps students set up a personalized learning pathway and improve their employability, and supports them on their journey through life.

To reach this benchmark, ECIU University has needed the collaboration of the European digital credential adoption program, as well as experts and professionals.

ECIU University’s learning opportunities consist of challenges and micromodules that allow you to acquire new skills and competencies, connect with potential colleagues or companies and have an impact on the societies where the universities that are part of them are located. These opportunities also belong to the University’s broader microcredential vision, which aims to foster active citizenship and empower students.