Meritxell Juvé Vaello (Barcelona, ??1984), fourth generation family, raised in the Penedès surrounded by vineyards, playing among bottles in rhyme through the underground labyrinths of the caves of Sant Sadurní d’Anoia since the Juvé centenary

He also remembers “infinity” of weekends eating in restaurants with clients or journalists, and distributing cava in the family car accompanying his parents. Today he avoids working during his vacations. He takes advantage of his professional breaks to visit countries “where cava is not sold,” and where he can escape and rest. He prefers destinations in Africa or Asia, as has already been the case of Zimbabwe or Bhutan. He tries to take “disconnection” vacations, and remembers that he already travels constantly for professional reasons throughout the year. This year, for now, international trips to Hong Kong, Japan or the United States await him.

Her career since 2016 as CEO alongside her father, who at 81 years of age remains active in the company’s presidency, she says “has been very beautiful, with a lot of personal and professional learning and very enriching.” The stage of maximum responsibility for her has coincided with the motherhood of Sienna (three and a half years old) and the still baby Bruno (eight months). She also admits that being the chief executive of her winery group is a big responsibility that she “bears,” although she adds that it is a responsibility shared with her team.

Txell Juvé adds that “ours is a formidable team that gives 300% and that we have deeply renewed in the last 5 years, completing it this February with the incorporation of the prestigious winemaker Pepe Hidalgo Camacho as technical director.” The templates of the four companies of group J

Txell says that “I want to surround myself with very good professionals,” and emphasizes that his father has always instilled in him that “you have to learn from the best.” And he agrees with the phrase of the French writer, historian, philosopher and lawyer Voltaire in which he asserted that “there is someone so intelligent that he learns from the experience of others.” He admits that growing up following in his father’s footsteps meant, from a very early age, being in continuous contact with the business, with the end consumer and with gastronomy; and also “learn to listen and understand the enormous work that each step that is taken requires.”

He recognizes that “the pandemic, which no one expected, especially affected a company like ours, which sells mainly to restaurants. It affected us considerably, but everything comes out stronger.” Now, among the main challenges that have been set, the internationalization of their company stands out (today they export just over 18% of their wine and cava production).

It is also concerned about sustainability and how to respond to the challenges posed by the persistent drought and the climate emergency, as well as continuing to improve the quality of its top-of-the-range products. Txell Juvé is “particularly excited” about the project on which they have been working for two years to relaunch the still wines they make under the DO Penedès and which will see the light of day in 2025. She is determined to make wines and cavas “that make people tremble, that excite.”

After finishing his Business degree, studying the last year in Singapore, he completed his training with an MBA at the ESADE business school in Barcelona. Txell’s stay in Singapore allowed him to become familiar with Asian markets. In 2011 she returned home to join the family business, holding several key positions in different departments and traveling around the world to promote the brand internationally. At the same time, she completed a master’s degree in Oenology, Viticulture and Wine Marketing at the Escola Mercè Rossell i Domènech de Espiells (Sant Sadurní d’Anoia).

Txell Juvé currently resides in Barcelona’s Eixample with his family, and shares life with his dog and “faithful companion” (the Labrador Bacchus). He loves animals, and he always wanted to have a dog. Just the first thing he did when he became independent almost a decade ago was add Bacchus to his life, which he says is “a love” that he baptized with this name in honor of the god of wine, fertility and inspiration. in Roman mythology. He says of Bacchus that “it is the noblest thing there is.” He has no doubt that sooner or later he will return to what he considers to be his “home”: Sant Sadurní d’Anoia. In fact, he states that he lives between Barcelona and what is known as the capital of cava.

She considers herself a simple person (she puts on makeup very discreetly and likes to wear sneakers). She is “tremendously” familiar and very close to her friends. She greatly enjoys outdoor activities such as walking, art, reading, cinema and theater and, above all, “the richness that traveling brings to discover different cultures, cuisines or languages.” And she also assures that “Barcelona is a capital that offers a lot.”