The journalist Andrea Giambruno, former partner of the Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, will stop presenting the Diario del Giorno program on the Rete4 network after the “embarrassment” caused by some sexist statements off camera, as announced by the media conglomerate Mediaset. , which has clarified that it is an agreement by both parties.

Giambruno, after apologizing “for the embarrassment and inconvenience caused by his behavior,” has agreed to no longer be the presenter and instead take on “editorial coordination” duties, according to the company’s note, which rules out disciplinary measures against the journalist.

Meloni’s ex-partner had already given up appearing on the air on October 20, after a satirical program broadcast some controversial statements that also gave rise to a public break-up statement released by the prime minister herself, reports the AdnKronos agency. They had started their relationship ten years ago and have a daughter together.

Giambruno’s public statements had already affected Meloni in the past, for example when he suggested that women should avoid getting drunk to avoid being raped, but in recent days controversy had grown over a conversation during the recordings of his program.

In these statements, broadcast by a comedy program, he greets a classmate – “What’s your name? Have we already met? Where have I seen you before? Was I drunk?” – and then proposes having a threesome with another classmate. of Mediaset with whom he claims to have a relationship.