The situation of lack of control and internal confrontation in which the Republican Party finds itself in the House of Representatives became evident this Monday, on the eve of the process to elect the president of the institution beginning this Tuesday. The position became vacant last week due to the revolt of eight ultra Republicans against their own leader and the majority of his conservative colleagues.

Kevin McCarthy, the first speaker in US history to be removed from office, suggested the possibility of backing down. He opened the door to being re-elected as president, after he ruled him out following his humiliating failure, even though two other colleagues, Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan, have already run and launched negotiations to capture votes.

Neither Scalise, with a more internal pull, nor Jordan, the favorite of Donald Trump and other ‘outsiders’ of the extreme right, seem to have enough support to be elected. So McCarthy, who did not want to opt for either of the two, intervened with the argument that there must be a guide in the House as soon as possible so as not to leave aid to Israel in its military effort against Hamas in limbo. It is evidence that the national conflict over “the invasion” of undocumented immigrants crossing the border with Mexico that conservatives allude to in order to deny money to Ukraine is becoming volatile when it comes to Israel.

Rudderless and the institution paralyzed after the dismissal of its president, McCarthy, a legislator from California, appeared at a press conference and tried for 35 minutes to offer an image of everyday life in the face of the tragic events in the Middle East, which have left hundreds dead, Among these are at least eleven Americans, and about 150 kidnapped, where it is estimated that there are several US citizens.

He summoned journalists to the Capitol to lay out a plan to defend Israel and free American captives. As if everything were normal, imbued with the aura of the speaker, he ceremonially declared: “Now is the time for action, we must be there with our friends from Israel.” He was the culmination of his request to reload the Israeli arsenal and facilitate the operation to rescue the hostages from the clutches of the terrorists.

There is only one problem. It happens that McCarthy may feel very imbued with the position, but he is no longer the president of the House and his exercise of it has only further evidenced the confusion, the confrontation and the power vacuum that exists in the party that dominates that institution.

It was offered as the quick way to solve the problem, in case none of the candidates obtain the necessary votes, because he remembered that he has 96% of the group in his favor. Those who kicked him out later came out to maintain their challenge. If they did it once, they will do it again if necessary, they promised. They can be accused of many things, but not of bluffing, as they well demonstrated.

The idea floated by McCarthy is largely inspired by the requests of moderate Republicans, especially those who represent districts where President Joe Biden won and see his re-election in danger. These legislators maintain a position of skepticism regarding whether Jordan (ultra-Trumpist) or Scalise (a little less Trumpist) can represent their interests as president of the House or speaker. Both are extreme conservatives and have the ability to scare away independent voters. These moderates are the ones who openly ask to reinstate the dismissed person in office and give him the hammer again.

Without a president with all his powers, the Lower House has a very restricted ability to operate. The violence that has erupted in the Middle East has only underscored its limitations at this time, with many members of the institution pushing to offer an aid package to Israel.

McCarthy found what is called a power niche. He stressed that Congress must project an image of strength and solidarity and reiterated that everything would have been different if he had remained in command. “We would have obtained more information,” he stressed, referring to the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.

Had he remained in office, he maintained that this Monday they would have passed a resolution to “show the world that we are united and calling on other world leaders to join us,” he insisted.

It happens, however, that the Republican group in the House of Representatives is a pot of crickets. It is not even clear yet when the vote will be taken to elect the ‘speaker’.