The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has encouraged the promotion of literature in the Valencian Community “with plurality, without labels or prejudices” and for supporting the production of books in any of its two languages, Valencian and Spanish.

Carlos Mazón made these statements during the presentation of the awards given by the Generalitat on the occasion of Valencian Book Day to the best published books and to the bookstores and libraries that best promote the habit of reading.

The president of the Generalitat has opted to increase the reading rate in the Valencian Community “with the involvement of everyone”, educational centers, local entities, public libraries or hospital centers.

In this sense, he has pointed out that the Valencian Library should be a space for reflection on reading and on all our authors “in freedom” and “without trenches.”

Carlos Mazón has also expressed his desire that in the Valencian Community there are powerful publishers that have the capacity for growth and that are not dedicated to surviving by doing heroic things. “It is time for the Valencian Community to regain national and international editorial prominence,” said the head of the Consell

Thus, the president of the Generalitat has encouraged the book sector to “undertake and create in freedom, to come, to invest, and share their talent without guidelines or slogans”, because he added “no one holds the patent on culture”.

Carlos Mazón recalled that on November 20, 1490, Tirant lo Blanc by Joanot Martorell was printed, “one of the best books of chivalry recognized worldwide, according to what Cervantes said in Don Quixote,” Mazón indicated.

The Generalitat annually awards awards to the best edited books, which this year went to the award for the best edited book: Graphic Route. Valencia Sound Design (Barlin Project); best illustrated book: L’arca de no-es (Kalosini); award for the best edited comic: Un os al Marroc (Andana); best edited children’s book: Joemes per pugar (Litera Libros) and best edited youth book: Prou. Feminist self-defense guide for adolescents (Literary books).

The award for the lifetime achievement of a bookstore went to Ali i Truc from Elche and the most innovative bookstore Tirant lo Blanch. Tirant online from Valencia. The award for reading promotion has gone to the Municipal Network of Public Libraries of Llíria.