The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón and the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García Page will sign tomorrow in Requena a collaboration agreement and a protocol of intentions to guarantee quality health care in bordering areas between both autonomous communities.

Specifically, Mazón and Page will seal an agreement on health matters and first and second level specialized care, as well as hospital pharmacy, or emergency care, among others.

The head of the Consell explained that this measure “contributes to greater social cohesion between both regions so that health resources are used in the most efficient and effective way to improve the service to citizens.”

For the president, through this agreement “the right to health protection is guaranteed for all citizens of both communities, regardless of their place of residence or where health care benefits are requested.”

This agreement on bordering areas will benefit citizens residing in five municipalities of the Ayora Valley who may have the Almansa Hospital as a reference for health care. Likewise, residents of 22 towns in the province of Cuenca will be able to be treated at the Requena Hospital.