At least one person – a German tourist – has died and two more people have been injured – another tourist and a French citizen – in an action that is being investigated as a terrorist attack in the area around the Quai de Grenelle in Paris, in the vicinity of the Eiffel Tower. Various people present at the scene have reported that the attacker began stabbing random people in the street shouting “Allah is great” before being arrested by the police.

According to police sources cited by the France Presse agency, the attacker, a 26-year-old man, “was born in France and is French” and apparently suffered from psychiatric problems. After his arrest he declared that he could not bear the killing of Muslims all over the world. He was already tried and sentenced to four years in prison in 2016 for another attack, although authorities have not confirmed whether it was related to terrorism.

“The police have just bravely arrested an assailant who was attacking passers-by in Paris, around the Quai de Grenelle. One person died and an injured person was treated by Paris firefighters. Please avoid the area,” he said. Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, on X (formerly Twitter).

After the tragic event occurred, the police have established a security cordon near the Eiffel Tower, close to the site of the attack.