The working group made up of the different municipal political formations of the Madrid City Council met this Wednesday electronically to agree on the final location of the twelve cleaning cantons that the Consistory plans to install in different neighborhoods of the city.

The first decision taken is to meet, soon, with the different neighborhood associations to study the alternatives to the location proposed by the Government of Almeida.

The delegate for the Environment and Mobility, Borja Carabante, and the councilors Santiago Saura (Cs), Esther Gómez Morante (Más Madrid), Ignacio Benito (PSOE) and Fernando Martínez Vidal (Vox) participated in the meeting.

The opposition has requested to paralyze the four cantons under construction, but municipal sources point out that “this extreme is not possible, since alternatives have been studied and no more suitable locations have been found.”

The four clean-up cantons under construction are those on Calle Sinfonía, in Latina; that of Camino del Pozo del Tío Raimundo, in Villa de Vallecas; that of Santeras, in Vicálvaro, and that of Treseta street in Carabanchel.

According to municipal sources, “the working group will meet with the residents and interested parties of the Carabanchel facility this Friday, in the vicinity of the Islazul shopping center.”

In an audio sent to the press, the spokesperson for Más Madrid in the working group, Esther Gómez Morante, confirms that “a fundamental and prior premise” to any action is “the paralysis of all the cantons that are included in the cleaning document”, something that he has transferred in the meeting this Wednesday and “to which the government team has refused”.

“Almeida is not really interested in finding solutions to the problems that he is generating with the locations of the new cleaning cantons. The only thing that has been proposed to us is a kick forward and a kind of electoral truce ”, he has assessed.

“At Más Madrid we are clear that the space to seek alternative solutions has to be an area in which the residents are the main protagonists, and that with all the information and all the transparency, joint decisions can be made,” he stated.

Last Monday, Carabante (PP) announced the urgent call for a working group with the opposition to analyze “one by one” the locations of 12 new cleaning cantons to be built in the city, and which have caused neighborhood complaints in places like Montecarmelo, Arroyo del Fresno or Las Tablas and whose execution was paralyzed that day.

This Wednesday afternoon, at 7:00 p.m., the Madrid Regional Federation of Neighbors (FRAVM) hosts a meeting with neighborhood and union representatives on the problem of cleaning cantons on San Cosme and San Damián streets.