The Government Council of the Community has approved in its meeting this Wednesday the awarding of the decorations of the Order of Dos de Mayo –Gold Medal, Grand Cross, Silver Medal and Number Commendations– and among the winners are This year, the singer Dani Martín, Juan Carlos Quer, the soccer player Koke and the former Deputy Minister of Public Health Antonio Zapatero, EP reports.

With these awards, the Executive chaired by Isabel Díaz Ayuso recognizes the professional and human trajectory and the excellence of 17 personalities, institutions and social entities. The delivery ceremony will take place at the Real Casa de Correos during the institutional act of Madrid Community Day, on May 2.

The Gold Medal of the Community of Madrid awards in this edition Juan Carlos Quer, father of Diana Quer, the 18-year-old girl murdered in August 2016. “This lawyer by profession has been one of the champions of the campaign to treat to avoid the repeal of the reviewable permanent prison, collecting in March 2018 more than 1.2 million signatures against this measure”, the vice president and Minister of Education and Universities, Enrique Ossorio, highlighted at a press conference.

Likewise, a Gold Medal has also been agreed for the Francisco Luzón Foundation. Since the “prestigious” Spanish economist and banker was diagnosed in 2013 with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a disease known as ALS, and until his death in 2021, “his fight was tireless and contributed to supporting research, making visible and raising awareness about the herself and in the search for a cure and effective treatment.

This year the Gran Cruz distinguishes the construction workers of the Community of Madrid -more than 180,000 employees at present-, in recognition of their “essential work and a determining role” in the economic and social development of the region. According to GDP data from the Community of Madrid in 2022, this productive sector stood out with a rebound that amounted to 3.3%.

Also Grand Cross for the Estudiantes de Baloncesto Club, an entity founded in 1948 -now celebrating its 75th anniversary-, and which was until 2021 together with Joventut Badalona and Real Madrid the only participant in all editions of the highest category of basketball . The Madrid Executive has highlighted that Estudiantes is “famous for having one of the best fans and has trained a remarkable number of players and coaches who have been world champions, Olympic medalists, players in the NBA or in the Spanish team”. Its women’s division has a youth academy of more than 400 players.

Likewise, the Society of Co-Owners of the buildings that were the University of Alcalá, an entity founded in 1850 and “a pioneer in Spain in the protection and conservation of the rich heritage of the Complutense City”, has been recognized with the Grand Cross. This dedication has earned him, as this year marks the 25th anniversary of the declaration of the University and the historic site of Alcalá de Henares as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, his nomination for the 2023 Princess of Asturias Awards for Concord at the proposal of the same University of Alcala.

At the same time, the 6,439 Ukrainian children enrolled in educational centers in Madrid are recognized with the Grand Cross. “Victims of forced exile after the invasion of their country by Russia in February 2022, they are an example of self-improvement and integrity,” Ossorio stressed.

On May 2, the Madrid singer Daniel Martín García, popularly known as Dani Martín, will also be awarded the Grand Cross of the Community of Madrid. This distinction rewards the artistic career of this composer, not only in his current stage as a soloist but also as leader of what was his group ‘El canto del loco’.

In the same way, the ‘Revista de Occidente’ has been awarded the Grand Cross in the year in which the centenary of its birth is celebrated. It is a “reference” publication in Spain and America. With the same objectives that guided its founder, the philosopher and essayist José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955), in 1923, this is today a cultural space that, month after month, “collects the most relevant thought, science, plastic, literary, cinematographic and audiovisual creation”.

In the Silver category, the Medals go to the molecular biologist Sara García Alonso, who last November 2022 was selected as a member of the European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut reserve, thus becoming the first Spanish woman candidate to this post.

The Madrid actor, director, screenwriter and comedian for film, theater and television Andrés Pajares is awarded another Silver Medal. He has more than “60 years of professional experience behind him and numerous professional awards.”

Silver Medal also went to María Luisa Banzo Amat, owner of the “mythical” restaurant La Cocina de María Luisa, located in the heart of the Salamanca district. Until it closed its doors in 2022, it was a benchmark for Castilian cuisine and mycology. Artists, politicians and great personalities from the five continents passed through its halls in search of the best dishes made with mushrooms. Numerous recognitions support her figure, which has contributed to the prestige of Madrid restaurants.

Likewise, the Catalan bailaor Jesús Carmona Moreno, one of the “most outstanding figures in the panorama of Spanish dance and current flamenco”, was recognized with a Silver Medal. From the Community of Madrid they have highlighted that he has worked with the best companies and most prestigious professionals in this field, who have earned him the Benois de la Danse Award 2020/21 as best dancer in what are considered the Oscars of Dance.

Finally, the footballer and Atlético de Madrid captain Jorge Resurrección, known as Koke, will also receive a Silver Medal. Winner of two Leagues, one Cup, one Spanish Super Cup, two European Super Cups and two Europa League, in addition to reaching two runner-up finishes in the Champions League, since 2013 he has defended the colors of the Spanish team with which he has played the Cup Soccer World Cup in 2014, 2018 and 2022, and the Eurocups of 2016 and 2020.

The Number Orders honor this year the doctor and former Vice Minister of Health Care and Public Health of the Community of Madrid, Antonio Zapatero, for his public service work carried out during the Covid-19 coronavirus crisis and which transformed the Madrid region ” a benchmark in the fight against the pandemic”.

It is also awarded with a Commendation to the Basilica of Our Father Jesus of Medinaceli in Madrid and the Primary Archconfraternity of the Royal and Illustrious Slavery of Our Nazarene Father of Medinaceli; the Maria Soriano Special Education Center, the oldest of its kind in the region and one of the oldest institutions in Spain that currently serves 82 students.

Lastly, the new Aceites de Madrid Protected Designation of Origin also received a Commendation, as recently certified by the European Union, which represents more than 4,500 farmers in the region who work in numerous Madrid oil mills contributing to the sustainability of the rural world.