Madrid is experiencing a different situation in terms of water supply compared to other communities such as Catalonia or Andalusia. At the moment, the Canal de Isabel II reservoirs are at 78% of their maximum capacity, so the Government of Isabel Díaz Ayuso is not considering restrictions.

The three reservoirs that supply the Community of Madrid have started the month of February at 78.5% of their maximum capacity, with 740.8 cubic hectometers (hm3) stored, which is 8.5 percentage points more than what was recorded ago. just one year and is 10.3 points above the historical average.

The dammed water level is largely due to the rainfall in January. Specifically, rainfall has been 32% higher than the average of the historical series, with 74.5 liters per square meter, compared to the 56.6 recorded, on average, in January, indicates the Canal de Isabel II. in a note.

Consequently, contributions to the reservoirs have been more generous compared to the average figure. In total, the reserves have received 125.9 cubic hectometers during the first month of 2024, 31.3% above the average value on these dates (95.9 hm3).

To date, and taking into account its initial four months (it started on October 1), we are in the fourth hydrological year with the most contributions in the last twenty.

According to data from the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, at the beginning of this week Spain’s swamps were at 50.5% of their total capacity, with 28,288 cubic hectometers (hm3) of stored water. And in the Tagus basin, which feeds Madrid’s rivers, at 69.6% of its capacity, with 7,694 hm3.

Those with the least water reserves are the Mediterranean and internal basins of Catalonia, which are in water deficit due to the drought that affects both areas and which has caused the regional authorities to announce a reduction in supply for certain uses. .

Yesterday Catalonia officially entered the emergency phase due to drought, an unprecedented situation related to climate change and that will entail restrictions on swimming pools, irrigation, agricultural, industrial and recreational activities, and with a limitation of consumption to a maximum of 200 liters per inhabitant and day.

Regarding consumption last month, it has increased 3.3% compared to the same period last year. Madrid residents have consumed 36.4 cubic hectometers of water and in January 2023 this figure stood at 35.3 cubic hectometers.

On the other hand, the accumulated consumption in the first four months of the hydrological year has been 0.9% lower than that of the first four months of the 2022-2023 hydrological year.

As it always does, regardless of the hydrological situation, and given that it is not possible to know how the rest of the winter and spring will behave in terms of rainfall and contributions to the reservoirs, Canal de Isabel II asks citizens to continue collaborating in the efficient and responsible use of water.

To do this, it makes savings recommendations available on its YouTube channel, its social networks and its website. These range from taking a short shower and turning off the tap while soaping, to putting the washing machine on a full load or installing economizers on the taps: gestures that contribute to making a sustainable demand for a resource that is as essential as it is limited.