Romeo and Juliet by C. Gounod ?????

Performers: M. Cloquell, A. Casals, R. M. Abella, P. Camero, E. Martínez-Castignani, M. Sala, T. Abraão Dos Santos, G. Ruiz, J. Tejera, C. Romaguera, R. Redondo, L. Vergés. Chor Amics de l’Opera de Sabadell. Vallès Symphony Orchestra. Musical direction: Daniel Gil de Tejada. Stage direction: Pau Monterde. Place and date: La Faràndula Theater in Sabadell (20/X/2023)

Solidity, professionalism and a basic production that has not lost interest or validity: Roméo et Juliette by Gounod. This is how the new FOC 2023-2024 season has begun, with public success and the presence of the Minister of Culture, Natàlia Garriga, among the attendees.

Perfect title to continue with the admirable history of the Fundació Òpera a Catalunya (FOC), who, having already celebrated 41 years of history, a ruby ??wedding, rescue this French masterpiece, the best adaptation of this Shakespeare tragedy among the lyrical repertoire.

You have to admire the simplicity, minimalism and intelligence of ideas and results of the production by Pau Monterde, with the assistance of Miquel Górriz, also in charge of the two performances starring members of the Opera School. With practically no scenery, with studied choreographic movements of the choir, soloists, costumes of classical elegance and very careful lighting by David Bofarull, the production is stripped down to leave the spotlight to the score and the voices in a decisive and theatrical way.

As always in FOC, the cast was based on the state soloist pool, with an impeccable level of correctness. The leading couple showed off the lyrical versatility of the Mallorcan soprano Marga Cloquell, resolute and impeccable. At his side, the Barcelona tenor Albert Casals, who alternated phrasing and tight delivery for a role he already played here in the premiere of this production in 2012.

The quality of the supporting roles ranged from the singing fluidity of the striking Rosa Maria Abella, much applauded by Stéphano, to the promising instrument of Pau Camero (Mercutio). Or the generous theatrical and musical presence of Marc Sala, excellent Tybalt; the solemn Count Capulet of Ernest Martínez-Castignani, or the attractive color of the bass Gonzalo Ruiz as Frère Laurent.

From the podium, the gesture of maestro Gil de Tejada wove a musical direction in which the symphonic clarity, narrative fluidity and romantic hedonism of the score reigned everywhere.

Remarkable work by a Vallès Symphony Orchestra with an organic and homogeneous sound, as well as the always competent Cor Amics de l’Òpera de Sabadell.